Overprotective // Zianourry

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"Good morning Ni. Are you hungry?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, I kinda want pancakes." Niall told the brown eyed boy.

"Alright." Liam told him.

"I can make them Li." Niall spoke as Liam got the stuff out.

"No you can't," Harry spoke putting his arms around Niall's shoulders from behind, "I don't want you getting burnt on the pan or something." The curly haired boy spoke.

Niall just nodded and sat on the couch.


Once again the boys had a concert that night and management let them have the day off so they didn't ruin their voices due to the fact they just had a show the night before.

Finally showtime rolled around and during little things Niall began to sing his solo and his voice cracked a bit. His microphone volume instantly was lowered. Liam put an arm around  him. He finished off his solo as strong as he could, disappointed in himself. He just did realize he was starting to get a bit of a cold.

The next song came and his microphone volume was still low, Niall noticed this when his voice was drowned out while all 5 boys sang the chorus.

As his solo approached Louis ran over taking Niall's microphone from the blonde's hand and replacing it with his own. Niall started to sing his solo and Louis stood next to him and by the time Niall sang the next chorus with the boys his microphone's volume was back up.


The boys were getting some snacks from the dressing room and changing before heading back to the bus after the concert. Liam and Zayn disappeared for a moment and Niall could hear them yelling at someone from management through the walls about lowering his microphones volume. Since Niall was the first to change to he plopped onto the couch and drifted to sleep in a matter of seconds.

When we woke up he was being carried to the bus bridal style. Strong arms were holding him close as fans screamed. Zayn looked down and smiled as he saw Niall's bright blue eyes wide opened at the noise. "Just a second baby, the bus is right here." Zayn said loud enough for the small blonde to hear. Upon arriving to the bus Zayn laid Niall down on the couch and the other boys took off, it appeared as though they were looking for something. "I carried you back because I could bring myself to wake you up and then I could also keep you safe from being attacked by fans." Zayn smiled as Niall nodded, eyes starting to close.

"No, no baby stay awake for just another moment okay?" Zayn asked him. Niall nodded fighting the urge to sleep. A few seconds later Harry came back with a thick, warm blanket placing it over the boy, then slipped a pillow he also brought under his head. By the time he finished that Liam and Louis came out of the kitchen.

"Hey lovely, you were a bit warm in the dressing room, and a bit paler, your voice also cracked on stage so I brought you some medicine. You don't feel the greatest do you?" Liam asked the smallest band member as he moved some hair out of his face and felt his head again.

Niall wanted to lie since the boys were always babying him but decided he really didn't feel the best and just shrugged at what Liam had said.

Louis handed Liam a cup of red liquid which Niall didn't want to take. It tasted horrible he's had it before. "Don't want it." Niall said pulling the blanket up to his nose making the boys almost coo. "Please baby. We just want you to get better." Zayn said running his band through Niall's hair. Zayn knew how to break Niall, he was the only one who called Niall baby and the blonde boy absolutely melted at it every time. Niall took the cup from Liam getting a smile from all the boys then Louis gave him a few tablets which he swallowed without complaining.

"Get some sleep sweetheart." Liam said as he drifted off.


A few days later Niall was crying in his bunk. The guys have been more protective than usual and Niall felt useless. He felt like he couldn't do anything on his own. He punched the wall but now his fist was just hurting making him cry harder, he wanted to feel like he helped someone but all the guys ever did was baby him. He couldn't do anything on his own and they treated him like he was three. All he wanted was a bit of freedom.

Zayn came in to hear the crying and quickly texted the guys before opening Niall's bunk's curtain. "Hey Niall, baby, what's wrong." Zayn said pulling him out of the bunk and holding him close. "Nothing." Niall cried.

"Niall hunny, it's not nothing, you're crying." Harry said coming out of nowhere.

Liam and Louis came in as well and eventually Niall told them how he felt useless and everything else. Louis left for a moment and returned with stuff for Niall's hand.

"Niall we only treat you this way to protect you, we love you so much and we never want to see you hurt sweetheart." Liam stated as Harry started to wrap Niall's hand over and over who was clinging to Zayn.

"Liam's completely right we would never do anything to hurt you. We love seeing you happy but if you want us to let off a little we will baby."  Zayn added as Harry secured the now wrapped up hand and placed ice on it making Niall wince.

"We just love you so, so much and if we ever saw you hurt I don't know how we would handle ourselves, you're just so precious hunny." Harry committed to the conversation as he pulled out two painkillers from a bottle and handed them to Niall. The blonde boy swallowed them before Louis spoke.

"We love you Niall please always try to smile and let us know if something is wrong or us or someone else do something you don't like, okay love?" Louis asked. Niall nodded and all the boys brought him to the couch.

They were all cuddled together and watching a movie until Liam spoke. "Hey Ni, wait just a couple of years. When you turn 18 we can finally form the relationship we want." Liam started, "Which means we can be even more protective of you." Niall giggled a little.

"Hey Ni? You know what we get to do once we're dating which will make us even more protective?" Louis asked him. Niall just shrugged. The older boy placed a hand on Niall's tummy, "Put a baby in you." Louis said chuckling which made Niall blush bright red.

"Hm, I think Zayn. Zayn's baby." Harry said looking at Zayn then Niall. "Tanned skin, a perfect face, bright blue eyes, a bit short," Harry said now rubbing Niall's belly. "I like that idea." Liam said Louis nodding.

"Or we could try go give them Liam's puppy eyes, slightly less tan skin but still pretty face mixed with some of Niall's cute little features." Louis said taking over the place of having his hand cover Niall's belly.

"Maybe, Louis could be the other day. That would basically mean guaranteed blue eyes and brown hair. They both have cute faces and Louis is the shortest aside from Niall. He's still pretty tan." Zayn suggested as he followed role call and placed his hand on Niall's slightly chubby stomach.

"Hm, maybe Harry could give the baby curly hair or green eyes. It still leaves a high chance of blue eyes though. Then we could have a tall baby, hopefully a boy. They could make a cute baby." Liam finally said now placing his hand on the shirt covering Niall's tummy.

By now Niall was practically asleep dreaming of his future and what's to come. The boys could be over overprotective but always knew how to life his spirits.

Hope you liked this one! Leave your requests in the comments or feel free to message me. xx

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