Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven:

I wake up to see Mikes sleeping face. Aww he's so cute. I can't get up because his arm is still around me. Some one knocks on the door. I look and see Andy...shirtless. Oh god. It's not like I haven't see him shirtless. I have but that was when I didn't like him. He leans against the door. I roll over to where my backs against Mikes chest.

"Yes.." I look at the ground while I speak.

"Jessie needs clothes to wear. Can she borrow yours?" he says swinging his shirt around.

"Umm yeah but she'll have to wait." I point to Mikes hands. "I don't wanna wake him up"

"Well I do" he walks my way, looking annoyed. When will he give up?

I hold out my hands. "Andy please stop. Let him sleep"

"No he should be up now anyway"

"Please Andy. I'll try to get up just don't wake him" I slowly move his hands off me.

"Okay" he sighs and backs up.

I stand up and head to my closet. "I still wanna know why you don't like him..." I hand him a shirt.

"Well it's nothing important"

"Tell me, Andy" I hold the pants in my hand.

"Give me the pants" He reaches for them

"Get your hand away from me or I will bite it"

He slowly moves his hand away. "Okay. Okay."

"I'm waiting"

"I can't tell you in here..he's here" he points to Mike who is waking up.

Mike blinks a couple times and looks for me. "Shorty?"

"I'm over here"

He looks my way. "Oh.. whatcha doing?"

"Giving Jessie some clothes"

"Come on Rissa. Give me the pants" Andy says.

"Follow me" I walk away from my closet. I kiss Mikey's nose and skip into the hallway.

"Okay can I have the pants now?"

"Tell me" I sit cross legged on the guest room floor.

"Fine" he sits in front of me. "the reason Is.."

He stops talking and tackles me. "Give me the pants!"

"Get off me you weirdo!" I yell and smack his arms.

"Give me the pants!" Andy yells and reaches for the pants.

I see Jessie and Mike standing in the door way. I bite Andy's arm and kick him in the no-no spot. He let's go and starts to whine. I get up with my hands on my knees.

"Here you go Jessie" I hand her the pants.

She takes them and walks away. I notice Mike staring at her the whole time. He looks at me looking at him. I roll my eyes and walk out.

"Andy has your shirt Jessie" I say as I pass the bathroom.

"Babe" Mike follows me to my room.

"Stop calling me babe, we aren't together." I snap at him and go to my closet.

He stands behind me. "Oh, I believe we are" I know he's smirking.

I look through my closet. "I don't think so"

He wraps his arms around my waist. "Well we do everything a couple does.."

I roll my eyes. "Me and Andy do everything a couple does and we aren't a couple. Except kissing.."

Long story short....I love you. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now