Chapter 4

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Chapter Four:

After realizing what's happening I back away and stare awkwardly at the ground while my cheeks turn red. Why did I do that?!

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know why I just did that" I say still looking down.

He doesn't say anything. He just stands there looking surprised.

This is so awkward.

"Umm...I think-- I should go.." I slowly back up.

He nods and I run down the hall. Andy's asleep. This is all his fault. If he would have just hugged me I would've never kissed Mike and make it awkward between us. I go in the kitchen and get some orange juice. I head up to my room and close the door.

Changing into my night clothes, I lay down and stare at the ceiling. What is wrong with my life! Believe it or not my life use to be normal. Me and Andy would have fun and hang out all the time. Whenever he had a girlfriend he made sure I was cool with being in the house alone for a while. Whenever he left with his girl he would call every hour and talk to me to make sure I was okay. I really didn't like him back then so much. As in how I feel about him now.

Now he has a girlfriend. I'm jealous. He doesn't check on me anymore. Now that he has a girl we don't hang out anymore. Our relationship is falling apart! He's known her for two days and he's forgotten about me. Frankly, I miss him. Thinking about everything going on in these past two-three days, I slowly drift off to sleep.


I wake up and see that it's 10 in the morning. Freshening up, I find Andy and Mike still asleep. We don't have football practice today, so I decide to pay mum a visit and tell her everything I saw. I don't wanna hurt her, but I can't lie to her. she has full rights to know. A part of me doesn't want to tell her but the other part of me is forcing me to tell her the truth. 'She'll be more upset when she finds out on her own and when she'll know that you knew and didn't tell her' the voice in my head says. For the first time, my subconscious min is right. I have to tell her.

When I'm done telling mom exactly what I saw, she's in tears. See, this why I didn't want to tell her! I hate hurting her. Her hands are covering her face while she cries. I give her a tight hug.

"He-he told me he'd never che-cheat on me!" she says between sobs.

"Shh mom."

"He promised me Marissa!" She continues crying.

Well that's dad for you. Always making promises he can't keep. And people wonder why I'm single. Guys always lie and cheat. I don't wanna date someone like that. The only guy I know that's never cheated is Andy. Mike has never had a girlfriend. I don't know why he hasn't. He's such a cutie. I wonder what's stopping him....Stop Marissa you shouldn't be thinking about him at a time like this!

Right. Back to the current situation.

I pat mums back. "Shh, It's okay mum."

She cries harder when I say that. "He's probably with that Puerto Rican hoe right now."

"How'd you know she was Puerto Rican?"

"You said she was the principle right?"

I nod. "Well I came in with your little brother the other day and one of the desk ladies told me to go to the principles office. I did and I saw her and him talking. I recognized her accent.."

"Oh.." Was I say and right on cue my dad walks in, late as usual. "Oh hey pumpkin..." he's scared. No need to be scared now I already told her.

I ignore him and look at mom. 'Talk to him' I mouth.

Long story short....I love you. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now