Chapter 6

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Chapter Six:

I'm anxious. I have taken this decision too soon. But now, I can't back down. It's my mother we are talking about. I have to find her. But how? How am I going to do this?

I realize that I may get some answers from the principal. Hell yeah, she'll know what daddy has been up to.

"Detour. We are going to the princi's first."


"Because I'm pretty sure she'll know something."

"Okay." Mike turns the car around.

"I look ou of my window, thinking nothing specific.

"Hey, everything will be okay. We'll find her, Don't worry." Mike says and catches my hand when he stops on a red light.

"Thank you Mike. You've been so helpful lately. I can't thank you enough." I smile at him.

"Anything for you, shorty." He bends down and kisses my cheek.

I turn crimson. Someone clears their throat from behind. It's Andy.

I roll my eyes at him.

"We're here."

"You all stay. I'll go in."

"No, we're coming with you, Rissa."

"Yeah, shorty."

"Fine. Just don't say anything. I'll do the talking."

"Okay. Deal."

I bang at the front door twice. I don't care she's the principal. Everything started in the first place because of her. I bang once more. She can't sleep so early. It's just eight.

She opens the door on the fourth bang.

"Oh. Hey, Marissa. Mike, Andy...what are you'll doing here?"

"We need to talk, ma'am"

"Sure, come on in." She's being so sweet. doesn't she know that I told mom everything?

"So can I get you'll anything?"

"No thanks"

"Okay, what's so urgent that you three are here."

"Please, lady cut to the chase. they know what you did. And so does mom. Now, tell me where he is?"

"Who?" she looks confused.

What? Is she being silly on purpose?

"Eric! My father. Where is he?"

"I don't know. Why? What's wrong?"

"You seriously don't know?"

"I have not .."

"My dad has kidnapped my mother."

"What? No way. He wouldn't go that far."

"What do you mean by 'that far'?" Andy says.

I glare at him. I clearly mentioned that I'll do the talking no one else.

She looks his way and says, "Well he was saying he's going to skip practice today as he has some work to do and yesterday he told me he'll be leaving for California."

"Cali? Why?"

"He said he had to meet some old friend there. I don't really know, I wasn't paying that much of attention."

"What else did he say? How long is he going for? When? How?" I ask in desperation for some real answers.

"He just said that he'll be going this evening so I'm pretty sure he's gone. By car, I think."

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