Chapter 1 Part 2 of 3

Start from the beginning

"Mrs. Hertz is kinda kill me." Wave shook her head, wondering if things would go better if she went to Jim.

"The worst she'll do is give you detetion." Alexei tried to comfort Wave. "It's not like she gave speific instrutions about remaining only on the main path."

Wave shook her head, "Detention is perferable to Mrs. Hertz's lectures. I'll be lucky if only last for two hours instead of three this time."

Neither male commented on this, not knowing what to say. Instead, Wave left with a promise to bring help in searching for Emi.

"Has the general found anything?" Alexei asked, as they made their way back towards the main path. Maybe Emi was already back with the other students.

Lynn shook his head, "He can't get away from Mara and Avery, since he's parntered with Ally." He pulled out his phone, hoping to see an unread message from Kya. "Kya still hasn't replied. Which means she hasn't read my message."

"Let's go get the ice princess first." Alexei's nickname refered to Kya's love of figure skating. It's also a nickname he won't willingly use in front of Kya, for fear of pain. "We'll figure out a plan from there."

The two arrived back on the main path, now looking for Kya to aid them in their search.


Kya's POV:

"What do you think?" Calex showed me the sketch he'd been working on. The simple drawn picture resymbolzed the shape of the flower, but lacked detail.

"I think you should stick with photographic." It's an old joke between us. He'd stay with photographic and I'd never try my hand at _________ (again).

Caled gave a warm laugh. "I've missed your sense of humor."

I playfully shoved him, falling back into the comfortableness of our friendship.

"What's it like living all over the world?" I've known Calex since we were three. Back than, he'd visit his father every summer. The rest of he year he lived with his mother, a traveling set designer. This job meant every few years they'd have to move for her job. As a result, Calex has lived in several different countries over the years.

Calex shrugged, "Fine, if you like never really have a place to call home." There was a hint of saddness in his voice. He rarely discuss his school life or friends he's made in the other places he's lived.

"But your here now." I playfully shoved him again. "Kanna Academy is your home."

"Sure thing, _______." Calex uttered his nickname for me."Chill, it's a joke." He said, when I threw my notepad at him. He knows how much I hate that nickname, but enjoys using it to tease me.

"Your sooo lucky we're friends." I lightly smack him upside the head. A warning not to use that nickname again. While I enjoy seeing Calex again, he comes up with the worst nicknames.

Our time in the forest almost over, we deicded to make our way back to the meeting spot. For the most part, the jounrey was silent. There was so much to say since we haven't seen each other in years. Yet, we said nothing. Calex can lose himself in the beauty of nature. When he does, it's near impossblie to get his attention, let alone a response from him. So when he spoke, I nearly jumped.

"Dang, Ky. Jumpy much?" He laughed at his own lame joke.

"What'd you ask?" Rolling my eyes, I turned the converation away from my 'jumpyness'.

"What's up with you and Lynn? We passed him earlier, you neither looked at him or answered when he called you." Leave it to Calex to bring up the one thing I don't want to discuss. "Your avoiding him." He stated.

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