Chapter 29: Ave Atque Vale

Start from the beginning

Shadow then swiftly broke free from the Death Eater’s grasp and ran for Ron. He threw the wand to her and she caught it. “NO!” Gaea shrieked, but it was too late.

Insendio!” Shadow yelled and Gaea was trapped in a circle of rising fire. The Death Eaters who were distracted by this lost grip on their prisoners. Hermione ran for Ron and hugged him tightly. Jason, Piper, Hazel, and Frank ran for the Minotaur guarding Percy and Annabeth. And Leo and Nico joined Shadow in assisting Harry.

“EVERYBODY RUN!” Harry bellowed, clearing his way of Death Eaters with the Impedimenta spell. Jason and Frank dragged Percy’s and Annabeth’s bodies and Piper and Hazel ran for the Triwizard Cup. So did Hermione, Shadow, Nico and Leo.

Harry, finally breaking off from Voldemort, ran as fast as he could. The others already reached the cup. He was so near.

A swarm of Death Eaters followed after him. “Stand aside! I will kill him! He is mine!” Voldemort shouted just as Harry reached the cup. The others were already holding hands, preparing to use the portkey to go back to Hogwarts.

Harry reached for Hermione’s hand and held Cedric’s body. “Accio!” he yelled, pointing his wand at the Triwizard Cup. It flew into the air and soared toward him. Harry caught it by the handle –

He heard Voldemort’s scream of fury at the same moment that he felt the jerk behind his navel that meant the Portkey had worked – he was speeding them away in a whirl of wind and color, and the others along with him.

They were going back.


Harry got out of Madam Pomfrey’s mini hospital today. Jason, Percy, and Annabeth got out yesterday, while Piper, Hazel, Frank, Shadow, Nico, and Leo had minor injuries. Hermione wasn’t scratched, and so was Ron. It wasn’t that much of a surprise, though. Ron hardly joined the battle. He spent more time roaming around the empty Manor house, looking for Shadow’s wand.

“What happened?” Harry asked, entering the common room where everybody else was. Leo smiled brightly at him.

“McGonagall got mad at us,” he said, his eyes twinkling. “She was with the old man. He smiled at us.”

“That’s not such a surprise,” Hermione said. “Harry, Ron, and I always got in trouble, but Dumbledore never got mad at us.”

This made Harry chuckle. Ron simply smirked.

“Oh, and this afternoon is Cedric’s funeral,” Ginny mentioned. She was one of the girls who admired Cedric for his looks and intelligence. Cedric was also mentioned to be quite funny.

“Oh.” Harry stared at the floor and recalled how Cedric Diggory had died. How he had died and Harry wasn’t able to do anything.

“It wasn’t your fault, Harry,” Shadow said, able to read Harry’s thoughts. “I was there, too.”

“So were we,” Nico said. “No one is to blame, pal. It was Voldemort. No one’s able to read his moves.”

“Great, Ginny, way to kill the mood,” Ron muttered, but everyone heard.

“Hey, I was just informing him of something he should know!” Ginny protested.

“It’s alright, Ron,” Harry said. “Thanks for telling me, Ginny. I needed it. I’m not missing out of Cedric’s funeral. How are you all feeling?”

“Good,” Jason said, speaking for the whole group. “Madam Pomfrey’s done a great job. That crack on my skull was fixed right away.”

“I got a concussion,” Percy said. “So did Annabeth.”

“Well, at least we’re all fine.”

Harry looked at Shadow and Nico who sat next to eachother. On each of their left arms was a long, deep gash. The memory of how they got it flashed in his mind.

“Are you two okay? Don’t feel weird?” Harry asked the both of them.

They looked confused and nodded. “We’re fine,” Nico said and Shadow agreed.


Dumbledore was the only one who spoke in Cedric’s funeral. Everyone else was too depressed. Mr. Diggory was too busy sobbing. Mrs. Diggory was trying so hard to comfort her husband. Cedric indeed left a huge mark in Hogwarts history. Everyone admired him, even Harry did.

Everyone gathered around his coffin and let the roses – which were Cedric’s favorite – fall on top of it. Dumbledore said the final prayer. “Hail and farewell –”

“Latin,” Mr. Diggory suddenly spoke, cutting of Dumbledore. “I taught Cedric Latin. It was his favorite language to learn.” He sniffled.

Dumbledore nodded in respect. All the other professors looked grave. Cedric’s mates from his House were trying so hard not to cry.

Nico pulled Shadow – who was sobbing – into a hug and told her words of comfort Bianca used to tell him when he was upset.

“Ave atque vale, Cedric Diggory,” Professor Dumbledore said, and the coffin was dropped six feet under the ground and buried with soil.

Harry stared at Cedric’s grave stone which had the words ‘Ave atque vale’ on it at the request of his family. It was engraved on the stones of warriors who died in battle, brave warriors who died in battle for their country.

Ave atque vale.

Hail and farewell.

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