Chapter 13: Bf/Gf or Nahh?

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Michael just asked me to be his girl. How can I date someone with all the issues I have?? I show no emotion, its like he'd be dating a brick wall.

He looks at me with waiting eyes. "Will you give me an answer?"

"Michael I can't be with you." I said looking into his eyes.

He lowered his body in defeat, "But Sydnei, I feel something for you. I really like you, just please give it a chance. If it's about last night, I'm really sorry"

"No its not that, I really enjoyed it. But Michael there are things you don't know about me. Only my family knows." He looked interested in hearing my past.

So I told him from start to finish. About my abuse as a young child, being in a coma, almost dying, watching my mother die.

I started to cry from all the hurt I experienced and letting it all out.

He grabbed me and held me to his chest, he smelt like heaven. His curls were tickling my face so I moved a little.

"Listen Smiley, I would never hurt, well besides that one time we fought. But that will never happen again. I want something real. We can take this slow as you want to. Just please don't say no" he looked so sincere

I sighed, this man must really like me. I can't deny I like him but I'm afraid.

"Michael, we can take it slow, but heed my warning. If you have any other girls out there, end this now before it gets ugly. I am a jealous person. When it comes to mines, I fight. I will not chase you, unless your willing to chase me. When I love I love hard. I just don't wanna get hurt." I said sternly but quietly.

He tilted his head and leaned forward for our lips to meet. He tastes like strawberries for some reason but it tasted good.

"OK baby girl, I hear you loud and clear. Let's go home." he straightend up to drive off.

"Wait Michael, my mission. I didn't do it." I said stopping him

"Oh no worries Smiley, it was fake. I hacked your tablet to get you here." he said smiling at his successful plan.

"Sneaky bastard" I mumbled as I sat back in the seat.

"What was that honeybug," he said stopping at a red light.

I looked at him, oh he playing this game

I leaned forward and brought my lips close to him, feeling his body tense up.

I was close by his ear and whispered slowly but softly.

"Nothing... dipshit" I smriked as I pulled away and sat back.

He looked at me with mad eyes but continued driving but slowly a smile crept up on his lips, he couldn't be mad if he wanted.

I think I might like having Mikey as a boyfriend.

to be continued....


Comment?? What do you guys think??

A/N: I know its short but I need a dramatic scene to come up with in the next chapter. Something really dangerous. I don't wanna be to rough but I want to now bring in some drama. Leave me some ideas in your comments

*Much Love*

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