Chapter 3: Let the Guns Roll

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My eyes slowly fluttered open, seeing nothing but darkness.

"Where the hell am I" I got up slowly, trying not to fall. I tried searching for a light, until my walk was vaulted by a big chain attached to my ankle.

My body got hot instantly. "Who the fucks bright idea was this?" "HELLO" "Turn on the fucking lights"

"Boy do you have a bad temper," I heard a deep voice say. The lights flew on and I squint my eyes to the the bright light. As my eyes adjust to the light, I look around to see pictures of faces on the wall, faces with serial numbers and dates on them. I then look down to see I'm wearing a black jump suit that holds my curves.

"Good morning Sydnei," said Helga and Bernie

"What is going on and I want answers now," "You have been choosen to be an assassin, killing those that need to be killed for their wrong doings." Said Helga waking towards me.

I stopped and looked at her like she was completely and utterly insane.

"Listen, I'm not going to argue with you, so just let me out of here, please," I said in the nicest way I could think of.

Bernie walked up to me and and pulled out a folder out of his suit pocket and it relieved people who were next on the market to be killed. "Sydnei, this can help you and your family get money, Julio thinks we are secret spies, but we are trained assassins. You brother and sisters can't no about this. When they ask, just say you work at uhhh..what's that place..oh yea Wal-Mart."

"So wait Julio won't kno about this?" They both shook their heads. "Sydnei, will you train to take over me and Bernie's spot?" I thought long and hard; Making loads of money, I can take care of my baby bro n sis. I can do a lot. But what if something goes wrong?

I was cut out of my thoughts when Bernie said "Sydnei, what's it going to be?"

I looked at him and said....... "LET'S GO MAKE SOME MONEY$$$"

I kno its shorter than usual but next part, I'm going to need some help. Can you guys give me some ideas. Should I bring Michael in now, or wait a lil longer??

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*Much Love*

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