28 | the product of their love

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No amount of words can possibly begin to explain what I feel for you.

"ASHTON," RIA BREATHES in absolute astonishment as they take their first steps into the penthouse suite

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"ASHTON," RIA BREATHES in absolute astonishment as they take their first steps into the penthouse suite. The room is lite by candles, washing them in a flowery essence. It's massive. Far bigger than her compact apartment with lavish furniture and appliances that appear as if they came straight from a movie. "What did I say about spending ridiculous amounts of money on me?"

"It really isn't that much." He ushers her inside and pulls her jacket from around her shoulders. "I'm kind of making up for everything I wanted to do. You know, since I'm a wanted man we can't really have a super romantic date."

"That's okay." Turning around, she places her hands on either side of his face and places the gentlest of kisses on his lips. "I don't need the world to be happy."

Ria hardly even minded when Ashton circled around the hotel four times just to make sure they weren't being followed. She's just happy that they even get the chance to have this date with hell breaking loose around them.

"So...how much money do you have?" she wonders and takes tedious steps into the suite. She goes over to the balcony and flings the lavender curtains open. Millions of city lights flood into the room. The brightest of New York City illuminates every inch of her sight. Sleek structures soar above their heads. A grin stretches across her lips and she hugs herself. "Bellissima."

"Um...in the six figures," Ashton states so casually as if him having thousands of dollars at his disposal is normal.

"Ashton." Ria whirls around and gapes at him as he puts their luggage away. "How do you have that much money?"

"Uh...selling my art," he begins with gentleness. "Plus, I got a loan from Vincent when I dropped out of college. I just...I paid him back by working for him for a couple years." His azure gaze flicks to hers with a hint of guilt.

Staring at her hands, she intertwines her fingers as her next question hesitates to leave her lips. "When was the last time...you...killed someone?" she whispers.

Ashton's shoulder tense beneath his casual white button-down. His eyes meet hers with something unreadable buried in their plains. "I...I haven't since I've met you."

"How long before you met me?"

"...a couple months."

"Do you...still care?" Ria crosses the space between them until she's a mere foot away. His unsteady breath reaches her ears and his faint cologne teases her senses.

"I...I used to care a lot more than I do now," he admits. "The first time was hard. It destroyed me." He looks down as if grasping onto that harsh memory. "I could hardly live with myself. Then I did it again...and again...until it became easy. I still try not to think about it." His voice softens under the weight of his guilt. "Or...I'd get high to take my mind off it. If I don't think about it, I can pretend it never happened."

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