We play a few more rounds but dad ends up winning.

"Yep that's right I Tony Stark. Won!" He gloats and I give him a petty clap

"That was fun wasn't it?" I giggle with pops as we gather the cards

"We used to play games like this when I was a kid" he shakes his head smiling

"Okay Jarvis whats the ETA?" Dad Asks before giving a loud sigh

"Let's try that again. FRIDAY what's the ETA?" Dad asks with less enthusiasm

"He sure misses Jarvis" pops looks around

"Well I mean Jarvis has been here for dad longer than anyone on this jet" I shrug

"Yeah i guess you're right" pops sighs

"Good news only a ton of hours to go!" Dad says sarcastically

For the rest of the trip we make a solid plan, or at least try to assume what may happen. It's really hard to make a plan when we don't really know what to expect.

"And this time everyone watch out for the witch. I know it's hard to keep track of the enhanced but be on the lookout." Dad says

"Yeah we don't want what happened last time to happen again.." Nat whispers and there is a long pause
I look up at dad and his eyes are burning into the table with a terrified glance

"Um. I-i think we can change them" I speak lowly but everyone hears me
Dad snaps up

"Change them?" Dad questions

"Yeah. I think they're good. They just need help" I nod my head thinking of How I'd feel if I were them.

"Change. Huh okay that could be part of the plan.." Clint agrees with me

"Tony we're over nexus" pops says

"Looks like i gotta go" dad powers up his suit

"Woah what nexus?? What do I do?" I ask and he looks at me

"I have to get those codes before ultron. Kid I think it's best you stay with steve." Dad sighs

"I'm taking Clint and Nat with me" steve nods

"Wow I get to help take on ultron" I gasp

"If hes really building a body..."

"He'll be more powerful than any of us. Maybe all of us. An Android designed by a robot" dad closes his suit getting ready to jump

"I miss it when the strangest thing science made was me" pops shakes his head

"Good luck dad!" I shout to him as the back of the jet opens

"Yeah what she said!" Pops shouts after me

"You complete me!!" Dad shouts like a nerd as he jumps

"So pops what's the plan!!" I grin excitedly and he just looks at me

"Not sure what to do with you yet" he says honestly

"Wow thanks pops" I roll my eyes and wait for an answer

He soon decides I'll stay on the jet with the others until I'm told otherwise.

"This is the lab. Ready to drop cap?" Clint asks as pops straps his shield to his back

"As ready as ever" he says looking out the window

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