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"Go back to the place where it all begins." Jungkook said slowly. "It's the only thing that's making sense here!"

Jungkook looked around at Hoseok, Jin and Lisa's faces. They were all sitting at a round table trying to figure out some things before they make a drastic move.

"We understand that Kook." Hoseok said. The corners of his lips turned into a frown. They were no where near where they wanted to be right now. "But we dont know anything else! We cant contact PD Nim."

Jin snapped his head towards Hoseok. "What did you just say?"

Hoseok looked at Jin and so did the others. "We cant contact PD Nim?"

Jin furrowed his eyebrows. "It's kind of strange that PD Nim hasn't been heard of since the accident. It's almost like-"

"-like he fell off the face of the earth." Jungkook finished for him.

Jin looked at Jungkook and nodded his head slowly. "Yeah, like that."

Hoseok's face turned to pure shock. "Y-you don't think?"

Jin nodded his head again. "I do."

Lisa looked at the three Bangtan members. "W-who is PD Nim?" She asked. She was trying to grasp all of this new information, but she had no idea who they were talking about.

"PD Nim was our CEO at Bighit." Jungkook answered for Lisa.

"A-and you thi-"

"-we dont know for sure yet." Jin said. "All I think we know is Yoongi's out there, somewhere."

"Let's try Daegu." Lisa spoke up. She stood up from her chair, pushing it out a little bit. She slammed her hands on the table, not too loud. "Let's go to Daegu."

"Right now?" Hoseok asked. He stood up with her.

"Right now." She said. She headed to the coat rack and grabbed her jacket. She then went to the kitchen counter and grabbed her car keys. "Are you boys coming?" She asked specifically to the two vocalists that were sitting down.

Jungkook looked up at Jin to see if he was going to move. He didn't budge.

"What if Yoongi's not there?" Jin asked. He hated to be the debbie downer but there was always a 'what if' in his book.

"Yeah!" Jungkook stood up. "But what if he is?" Jungkook walked over to where Lisa and Hoseok was standing. He turned around and waited for Jin to get up.

"Hyung we'll never know if we don't go." Hoseok said.

Jin contemplated in his head. He just didn't want to get Hoseok and Jungkook's hopes up. Maybe he just didn't want to get his hopes up. He was lucky enough to find two members, but was his luck pushing it if he found another?

"Please hyung." Jungkook said. He looked at Jin with his puppy dog eyes. "We can't do this without you."

Eventually, Jin gave up. He stood up and walked towards the others. "Let's go find Yoongi."


"Does this seem right?" Jin asked. He was looking at all the buildings that they were passing by in Lisa's car. Jin looked at Lisa. "Does it?"

Lisa shrugged her shoulders. "I've never been to Daegu so I have no idea." She then turned the car into a parking lot. It was a hotel parking lot she looked up before coming here.

Once Lisa parked the car they all got out. They gathered all of their little belongings they brung with them since they weren't going to be here long.

They entered the hotel, paid for a room and headed to it. Once they got in the room they layed their stuff down and got to work.

"Okay Jungkook you look up hospitals here." Jin instructed. Jungkook nodded his head and used the hotels computer.

"Hoseok you look up mental hospitals here." Jin said. Hoseok nodded his head and used Lisa's laptop she brung.

"And Lisa you and I will help Jungkook and Hoseok. While we're at it we can start to think of some theories." Jin said. Lisa nodded her head and went over to Hoseok since he was using her laptop.

"I found a hospital." Jungkook said. Jin went to Jungkook's side. He bent down and looked at the computer. "Only one hospital kept popping up."

Jin looked at the computer and nodded his head. "He's there." He stood up straight and went over to Lisa and Hoseok.

"How could you be so sure?" Jungkook asked. He had no idea how Jin would know Yoongi is there.

"I'm sure of it." Jin walked to the door and reached for the doorknob. He was about to open the door until Lisa stopped him.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

He turned around to face her. "To the hospital."

"How are you going to get there? And you're going by yourself?"

Jin nodded. "I'll walk."

Lisa was shocked. She knew Jin didn't know his way around Daegu. She was about to offer to go until Jungkook spoke up.

"Ill come with." He said. He stood up and walked towards Jin. He then turned around. "I'll go with him."

Hoseok stood up. "Shouldnt I come to?"

"No," Jin said. "Stay here with Lisa."

Jin and Jungkook was just about to leave when Lisa stopped them again. Jin turned around and Lisa threw her car keys at him. "Go bring Yoongi back."

Jin clenched the car keys in his hands and nodded. He and Jungkook left the hotel room and they both made their way towards the car.

Jin unlocked it and they both got in, putting their seatbelts on.

Jungkook looked at Jin. "Hyung, if Yoongi isn't there then what would we do?"

"Like you said before Kook. Go back to the place where it all began."


( a/n )

yah! the sequel will have like 15 chaps before its done.

well itll have atleast 15 chaps

so enjoy this long over due update

Epiphany • Seokjin •Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin