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"Where would they be at?" Jungkook asked. No one answered him because no one had an answer. Jin didn't even know how he even found Hoseok and Jungkook.

He was just happy he did.

"Jungkook." Jin started, but he couldn't finish. His mind hasn't went back yet and he doesn't know if the others were alive.

I mean his mind kind of didn't go back. His mind just kind of had a vision. The vision that helped find Jungkook, so maybe his mind will do the same for the others.

"Jin?" Hoseok asked, but Jin wasn't paying attention. He had no idea, but his mind was going back, or going forward.


"Jin?" Someone asked. Jin looked up and saw Yoongi. "Jin? Are you listening to me?"

Jin nodded his head. All he heard Yoongi say was his name but he didn't hear anything else. "Y-yes?" He stuttered.

"We need to go." Yoongi grabbed Jin's wrist and pulled him up. "Like now."

"Wait for what?" Jin stopped walking and looked around. "And where are we?"

Yoongi looked back with confusion plastered onto his face. "You dont know?" Jin shook his head. Yoongi looked down and then back up at Jin. "We're in Daegu."

"Daegu?" Jin repeated. "Why are we here?"

"We have no time!" Yoongi yelled. He grabbed a hold of Jin's wrist and dragged him out of the room. Once they both made it into the hallway, Jin noticed they were in a hospital.

Another hospital.

"This way." Yoongi said. He led the way from the hallway to hopefully find a way out.

"Why are you here Yoongi?" Jin asked. He was trying to figure out why Yoongi was in a hospital in Daegu. he was trying to figure out why everyone besides Hoseok has been found and put in a hospital.

"You don't know?" Yoongi asked.

Before Yoongi could answer Jin, they both ran into a security guard. The man grabbed Yoongi and held onto him as he was trying to catch Jin, but Jin was too fast for him.

Jin knew he couldn't help Yoongi or he'd be caught as well, so his best bet was to find another way to help him.


"Jin wake up you're panting hard!" Lisa yelled. She shook Jin until his eyes opened. He sat up straight and tried to calm down.

Once he was calm he noticed Lisa, Hoseok and Jungkook all by his bed watching him with worried expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong Jin?" Hoseok asked. He started to pat Jin's forehead with a damp towel. "What did you dream about?"

"More of a nightmare." Jin muttered. He threw the covers off his body because he was too hot. Jin sighed just remembering the horrible nightmare.

"What was the nightmare hyung?" Jungkook asked.

Jin looked at both Jungkook and Hoseok. If he was going to get his other members then he needed help.

"Yoongi." Jin said quietly.

"Y-Yoongi?" Lisa asked. "Is he next?"

"What do you mean?" Jin snapped his head back. "What do you mean next?"

Lisa gulped loudly. She didnt mean it in any horrible way. "I mean, he's next to find if you had a dream about him specifically."

Jin nodded his head. "Y-yeah. I'm sorry." He apologized to Lisa and she smiled. She was understanding about it.

"Do you know where he was?" Hoseok asked and Jin nodded his head. "Where?"

"He said something about being in Daegu."

"Do you know where at?" Jungkook asked this time.

"A hospital."

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows. "Why are everyone in a hospital? This has to be connected somehow." Lisa said, putting pieces together. Well trying to. No one still knows why they're all in hospitals.

Nine times out of ten, the other members are in hospitals as well, if and only if they're alive.

"This doesnt mean anything." Hoseok said. He got off the floor and walked towards Jin's bedroom door. "How could we know if he was alive and why was he sent back to Daegu?"

Jin sighed. "I don't know."

"But isnt it kind of weird how you two were in the same hospital and Yoongi might be in Daegu if he's alive?" Lisa asked. "So i'm guessing maybe Jimin's in Busan, Namjoon's in ilsan and Taehyungs in Daegu only if they're alive."

Jungkook looked at Lisa. "That makes sense. Send them back to the place where it all began."

Jin looked from Jungkook to Lisa to Hoseok. "But who sent them back?"


( a/n )

very very short chapter but i wanted to update for yall.

i wanted to get yall asking questions so any theories you guys have? lets hear em 😉

strong power thank you

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