I Like Her

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27th Seoul Music Awards

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27th Seoul Music Awards

I sighed for the umpteenth time, gazing at my reflection in the mirror in one of the KBS waiting rooms. 

That pit in my stomach I felt that day has been nagging me ever since. 

I had waited and waited until the girl came out by herself, with Jeon trailing behind her, before I had the guts to go back in. 

By then, it was time for him to leave as well. 

He looked a little startled when he saw me right outside the room. 

I kept my head low, and I saw a glimpse of his lips parting, wanting to say something.

"Oppa, we should go" Tzuyu said beside him, placing her hand on his forearm.  

My breath hitched and I felt like someone stuck a blade through my chest. 

I swiftly turned and walked into my dressing room, closing the door behind me. 

I haven't seen him since. 

And I have not really been in contact with him much either (I haven't really been replying).

He must be wondering what's wrong. 

Honestly I don't know either. 

After what I had witnessed that day, it's like all positive vibes and energy has been sucked out of me. 

I don't know what to say to him if he asks. 

I have to figure out what's wrong with me first. 

I'm just going to avoid him at all cost before I have a prepared answer ready. 

I exhaled out sharply. 

Game face on. 

Time to perform. 


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| Meteor | Liskook/LizkookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora