Chapter 32: going home

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> "Hmm no my favorites still the same. Always has and will be the same. But I don't know. Lou is kinda funny." I joked with him.


> "Oh ouch. You'd really leave me for Lou?" He faked hurt.


> "No I can't now. He's with Eleanor. Guess I'm stuck with you now." I sighed shaking my head.


> "Way to make me feel loved." He held his heart.


> "Oh come on. I love you and only you. Don't worry." I grabbed his hand by his heart. He was getting good driving with one hand.


> "Oh thank god. I got real scared at first." He sighed rubbing his thumb on my hand.


> "Please." I looked out the window. I saw a couple taking a picture.


> "Hey Niall isn't it weird how we haven't run into any paps?" I looked at him.


> "Yeah. I'm not complaining though. A few days without being stalked is nice. I saw a picture on twitter of us going to the hospital and I thought that was it. But I haven't seen any around."


> "Oh I'm not complaining. It's nice to have you to myself. I like it." I said.


> "Not all to yourself. You shared me with your cousins and other family." He commented.



> "You know what I mean." I laughed at him.


> "Yeah I know." He laughed.


> We had a long drive to the airport so I pulled out Niall's Ipad and pulled up my reading app I put on it. He doesn't care. He let's me do whatever I want with his stuff. He told me I could. I let him do the same with me. We were so comfortable together. I was never this comfortable with anyone besides Charlie. Not even my brothers or anything.


> I pulled up a book I had been reading lately. It was a book about the boys. I read fan fiction about the boys all the time. I did before I started dating Niall. Sometimes Niall and I read books together. He likes it because he's knowing what his fans think of him. Sometimes he makes me skips parts because he doesn't like them.


> I was reading one book that had nothing to do with the boys. It was a real and published book called fallen. It was a good book about fallen angels. The main girl was at a new school and started falling for this boy named daniel but he didn't like her at all. He was mean to her. But some how they fall in love and he tells her that they have been in love many times in the past lives. That every time they get close and he kisses her she dies. They never get to have a good relationship. But in this life they can kiss and then the devil comes and tries to ruin their whole existence.


> I spent the whole time reading. I was so into the book I couldn't stop even the few times Niall stopped to get gas or food or anything. I was glued to the book. It was just to good to put down.

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