You Look Beautiful

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I'm just gonna say it: Suit Harry is the best kind of Harry.

I was escorted up to the second tallest tower in the castle by one of the staff members who wouldn't meet my eyes. I tried to make small talk with him, but he would only give me short answers and end with 'ma'am' each time. Needless to say, I gave up pretty easily.

But when we got to the top, oh, my, it was breath taking. The marble walls glistened as if they were polished over and over again to where it was almost a mirror. A single table stood in the middle of the vast, circular room and had a white satin table cloth spread over the top. A single candle glowed brightly in the middle between the two place settings and a large window gave a stunning view of the bay behind the palace.

But the most spectacular thing in this room was the man sitting patiently in his chair, gazing out the window with a far-away look in his eyes. I'll say it again: Suit Harry is the best kind of Harry. He was pulling off a very dark grey suit that fit his body perfectly in all the right places. His hair was expertly styled into a half-quiff and I always seemed to have to fight the urge to run my hands through it.

He looked thoughtful as he stared through the glass and out over the water, not yet noticing my presence, but it's at these times that you can really look at a person. Call me stalkerish, but Harry looked perfect right in this moment. He didn't look upset or distracted or childish. He was just... Harry.

Okay, remember, Summer: calm, cool, collected.

My escort excused himself and I shot him a thank you smile that he didn't return. Hestitantly, I made my way quietly over to the table and for a creature with super-sensitive hearing, he surprisingly hadn't heard me.

It was only when I was right at the table did he turn to look at me and his emerald eyes went wide as he looked me up and down. Harry's mouth fell open as he gazed at how I was dressed and I blushed under his stare. Was this normal?

Quick! Say something witty!


Good enough.

My one word sparked something in Harry's head and a wide grin spread across his lips, immediately activating those flawless dimples of his. If you don't smile when you see this man smile, you're not human. His perfectly straight teeth shone brightly and I just had to add that to the growing list of what I liked about him.

"Hello," he greeted, standing from his seat and pulling mine open for me to sit in. My heart instantly gushed at how mannered he was being today, pushing my seat in for me before taking his own.

"Well, aren't you just the perfect gentleman today?" I spoke, the grin not once falling from my face.

"I suppose it just depends on the day of the week," Harry joked and my smile spread even wider to the point that I was sure my cheeks would hurt in the morning.

I inspected the menu that lay in front of me and rifled through it. As my eyes scanned over the wide variety of food, I became slightly overwhelmed at how many choices there were accompanied with the complex names that they had. What the hell was Chateaubriand?

I was snapped up from the menu by the sound of Harry's voice.

"Hey, you wanna know a secret?" he asked mischievously.

I leaned forward to show that I was listening and he grinned. "You look beautiful tonight."

I was dumbfounded. It probably showed in my face because Harry started chuckling lightly, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

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