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I surveyed the room, and it was just as it had been before: vampires beating each other senseless.

Oh, how I loved that.

You would think that since I'm a doctor that I wouldn't like violence as it would cause more work for me in the end, but it was really fascinating to be honest. My neighbor a floor below us had taught me karate for free when my mom died and it felt good to know I could fight. Lilly wouldn't get into it though, her gentle nature making her a lover, not a fighter.

Harry put one of his large hands on my back, guiding me over to the back where I'd seen him training his students. As we made our way over, I surveyed the trainees, all fighting with superb grace and coordination, their aim only rivaled by their oponents. I'd never seen fighting styles like this, their skills surpassing even my teacher's.

I must have been gawking since we came to a halt and I noticed Harry smirking. "I'd close your mouth if I were you. You'll catch flies," he teased.

I shot him a quick glare but continued to marvel at the students practicing. I looked over at one female vampire that had managed to get the other student in a head lock in one swift move. Without hesitating at all, she jerked his head to the side, snapping his neck instantly.

I let out an audible gasp, putting my hands over my mouth in horror. She had just killed one of her peers, possibly a friend with no mercy. What kind of a world was this?

"Did you just see that?" I asked horrified, pointing towards the limp vampire's body laying motionless on the mat. The other vampire had walked away to get some water, not looking back.

"Don't worry," Harry assured, noticing my tone. "She only temporarily killed him. He'll be fine in a few minutes. Vampires can't die of such a simple thing like a snapped neck. The only thing that can kill us is-"

He abruptly stopped himself but I leaned in closer, hoping to hear more on the subject. I wanted to know how to kill a vampire. There were one or two in mind that I would like to rid myself of...


"I shouldn't tell you that." Harry looked around, making sure that no one was eaves dropping. However, his voice still had that sly teasing ness to it as he smirked. "It wouldn't be safe for me anywhere on this Earth if you knew that information."

I smiled deviously at him before turning back to our destination, Harry following close behind. As soon as Harry's training group spotted us coming, they shot up from their stretching poses and quickly assembled themselves into a line. Their posture was perfect and their stances exactly the same, discipline clearly something that was beaten into them. Harry did his job well.

They all seemed slightly intimidated as Harry walked up and down the line, studying them. I stood awkwardly off to the side, unsure of where to go, and some of the vampires flicked their eyes to me before immediately fixing them ahead again. I saw interest in some of their eyes, but hunger in others, a new nervous edge in my body.

Harry seemed like a totally different person than the one that I had been joking with earlier. Now, he was a strict, firm, and isolated instructor that didn't seem to care if you were sore or injured. The softness in his eyes that he'd had talking with me hardened as soon as he laid eyes on his students, trainer mode switched on.

"Today, we are going to focus on defensive and offensive strategies in hand-to-hand combat." Harry's voice was cold and detached, like he felt no connection with his students while he prowled before them. "It will be just like the sparing we were doing yesterday. Two will be up at the mat first and then the winner will progress to the next opponent, kind of like the Roman gladiator games. Along with everyone else, I will be watching so don't mess up."

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