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I tried to walk as swiftly as I could down the broken street without having to duck into an alley way. I was honestly sick of having to hide just so that I could live. I should be able to walk down the street and not have to worry that I might not make it home alive. However, as the inferior species, I had about as much say in the matter as the next guy.

I must have been really out of it because as I snapped out of my thoughts, a pair of vampires bedecked in their uniforms glided down the cobblestone in my direction. Those long marroon capes hovered just above the dirt coated street, and although their hoods covered their faces, I could see the flash of white fangs beneath.

They were hungry. They were always hungry.

I wasted no time in maneuvering by a couple of peddlers into the first alley that I saw, my saving grace in that moment. With any other vampire, I would have just ducked my head and kept going, but these guys weren't normal. The fact that the capes had been marroon and not standard black was a clear signal that they were vampires who kidnapped people off the streets and sold them as Givers. Unfortunately, I fit their criteria exactly and they would be more than happy to take me for an extra couple of bucks.

I pressed my back as far against the brick wall in the alley as it would go, silently praying for them to pass me by. I didn't have to wait too long, though, the scream of a woman off in the distance letting me know that they had moved on.

My heartbeat was just returning to normal before I realized that this alley had already been occupied, and it wasn't by a human.

"Well, hello, love," a raspy male voice spoke out from behind me. "Fancy seeing a pretty little lass like yourself in these parts."

I felt as if my heart had dropped down to my stomach and the air seemed to get ten degrees cooler. I stood rooted to the spot, not wanting to turn my head and confirm my suspicions. Something about his tone sugggested something more sinister than just a homeless man.

Don't look! Don't look! I ignored my mind and twisted my body ever so slightly to see whose mercy I would be at.

I took in the man's appearance, from is long matted hair down to his ripped and torn robes. His ghastly pale face was quite unnerving as his blood red eyes pierced through me. I could tell he was a vampire because of the fangs that poked through his menacing smile. I tried shaking my head to get rid of the image of his teeth in my neck, but it didn't seem to work.

It was obvious that he was one of the lower class vampires who lived on the streets and proved to be a nuisance to everyone. The tatters of his black robe hung around his body, a clear sign that he was a disgrace, banished from his family and had made a new home in the human sector.

It was so clear that he was hungry, his eyes shining crimson, the same color that my blood would be once it was spilt on the pavement. He continuously ran his tongue over his pale lips, the eagerness to bite me was sprawled all over his face as he rose from the shadows like a predator.

"Yeah, um, I-I should just go." I suttered as I tried to sneak back onto the main street but he reached out and clasped my arm with a grip of iron. It was like a bucket of cold water was dumped over my head at his touch, and I tried to swallow down the scream creeping up my throat.

"Nonsense! Why don't you stay for awhile," The way that he phrased it, it was more of a command than an invitation.

I looked desperately towards the road and saw people walking around, minding their own business. I knew that even if I called out for help, no one would care. With the see no evil, hear no evil policy, every New Yorker was on their own, compassion scarce in these parts of town.

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