Date in the Night

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I missed you guys! Sorry for waiting so long, but I think that I've found myself again and will continue writing this. I just hope that I don't screw it up! I've worked hard to make this NOT suck.

If you don't want this to happen again, motivate me!


I swear, I had only just fallen asleep when the sound of knocking filled up the room, interrupting the dead silence. I just laid there for a second, wide-eyed before clumsily pushing myself up from the mattress. With my heart going slightly faster than normal, I swept my legs over the side of the bed and straightened up. Goosebumps appeared on my skin as the sudden cool air brushed over it.

As I stiffly walked towards the door, slightly irritable at the late night wake up call, a small part of me hoped that it was Harry. Maybe he came to his senses and was going to apologize for everything. He would say sorry for that little episode with the song, for his hurtful words in the supply closet, and for his ignorance to his faults. My heart swelled a little bit just at the thought of it and I jogged a little faster to answer the knocking.

It was still dark out, I could tell through the curtains and I supposed that whatever anyone wanted to tell me couldn't wait. It would make it that much sweeter if it was Harry then.

However, as I yanked open the door, I was not greeted with Harry's curly hair and chiseled features, but instead a face that I had almost forgotten about.


As soon as my face came into view, his mouth immediately turned up into a grin revealing straight white teeth. He was just as I remembered him: messy platinum blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and his dark black clothing that hung loosely around his body.

I won't say that it wasn't a surprise, because it was. My past few days here have been mainly filled with hospital beds, Brielle, and Harry. I had practically forgotten about my encounter with Logan on my first night here.

I quickly put a smile on once I saw his face, genuinely glad to see him, but confused at the same time. Glancing over my shoulder at the clock on the wall, I noticed that the time was about 3:30 in the morning. Granted, I thought that Logan was a sweet guy, but what on Earth could he possibly want at this hour?

"Hey," Logan spoke up cheerfully.

"Hey," I replied and I desperately tried to clear my throat of the sleepy rasp to it. Logan seemed to notice my tired state and started to blush and stutter.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you," he said quickly, his eyebrows furrowing together in concern for me. "I'll go and come back at a more convenient time it-"

But I cut him off as he started to turn around and made to leave. As I reached out to grab his sleeve, I spoke out with a much clearer voice. "No, right now's fine. I'm up anyway, so..."

The smile that had disappeared on his face before, returned full on as soon as I spoke. I rubbed my eyes to try and rid myself of sleep and looked back at Logan, pretending to be wide-awake.

"So, I was thinking that you might possibly want to go out tonight, go see the garden again or something?" Logan spoke carefully, but bouncing on his feet hopefully.

I took another glance at the clock and my eyes weren't deceiving me the first time. It was indeed 3:30 in the morning and I let out a loud groan.

"You do realize what time it is, right?" I whispered, slightly annoyed now. I really didn't want to leave the comforts of my room to go venturing out into the dark and cold castle. Besides, last time that I had done that, the outcome hadn't turned out so well with a shouting match between me and Harry.

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