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The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up and I stood frozen, like a deer in the headlights. It didn't matter who it was, I would be dead, caught red-handed in the act.

Somehow, I knew exactly who it was before even turning around. The deep voice resonated off of the walls, a voice that would be hard to forget with the defining slow, husky drawl in that taunting tone. I didn't want to face him, not now. Reluctantly, I twisted around to the direction of my bed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped at Harry, anger flaring up in my veins. He looked so casual, laying sprawled all over my sheets, that obnoxious smirk adorning his face. The twinkle in his eyes told me he was so proud of himself for having caught me, the kid stuck with her hand in the candy bowl.

"I came to see you, of course," Harry said, trying to sound innocent. "I missed that beautiful smile of yours."

I scowled and Harry merely chuckled. "See? I've never seen a more gorgeous smile in my whole life, and let me tell you, I've lived for a very long time."

He was mocking me, I didn't have to be a genius to see it. On any other occasion, I would have retorted something smartass, but any sleep that I had gotten was restless and my eyes drooped from where I stood.

"Noted. Now get out." I spoke through gritted teeth. 

"I'm a Lord, sweet heart, in case it escaped that brilliant little mind of yours," Harry grinned in triumph as the scowl on my face grew to my eyes. "I can go wherever I please."

I hadn't heard that pet name since I was young, my mom being the only one to call me that. The difference was that she would say it with such a loving look in her eyes, while Harry used it as a taunt.

It didn't matter that he didn't understand, the fact that he was trying to get a rise out of me being enough for me to hate him. He was stooping to a level so low that I wasn't going to shrink down to meet it, but I would give him a fair warning.

"If you ever call me sweet heart again," I began threateningly, my eyes tainted with the icy coldness I only had when I was pissed. "I will punch you so hard that teeth will be coming out of the back of your head. Are we clear?"

It would have been in Harry's nature to use it again just to be obnoxious, but he didn't. He sat up a little straighter on the bed and cocked his head, trying to get a new look at me. I didn't know what he was looking for, I hadn't changed, but I must have sounded pretty serious for he immediately changed the topic.

"Who was that guy who was just here?" Harry questioned, his face trying to seem nonchalant, but I could see right through that.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I repeated the line I had said to him on the first day that we met before hightailing it off to the bathroom, eager to get away from the tension. If I left it where it was, there was a good chance that he would be as pissed off with me as I was with him and I considered that to be a victory.

I had almost made it to the door when I found my way blocked by Harry's towering figure, an impatient look gracing his features. I very nearly crashed into him but managed to steady myself at the last minute, my face probably flustered though. He didn't seem to care at how close we were, maybe half a foot separating us, but I was madly turning red.

It was when I looked up into his eyes that I lost the battle, seeing the anger, frustration and a little bit of something else that I couldn't put my finger on. Those stunning emeralds seemed to pull out my secrets where I stood, but I had to hold my ground against the intimidating gaze.

"Yes, I actually would like to know." I attempted to side-step him but found my path blocked yet again, his speed being one I couldn't rival. I wouldn't look him in the eyes as he asked his next question. "Who was it?"

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