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I wanted to dedicate this chapter to @TaylorSwifty because a) I just found out how to do it, and b) she wrote a lovely review on my book in her Favorite Fanfics and I wanted to show my appreciation. I saw that she had written that book and I was curious as to what some good fanfictions would be to read and when I saw my story, I did a sort of double-take at the screen. It made me quite happy.


My life sucked, it really did. And you know what? It only gets worse.

Only after a few minutes of hitting the wall did my hand truly start throbbing and registering pain. I cradled my bloodied fist in my other hand but I down right refused to cry. Crying seemed like such a trivial thing to do for physical pain. All of the things worth shedding tears over were caused by my own heart trying to sort out everything that it felt.

I bent my head over and just stood there hunched over and feeling the pain of my hand but not really feeling it at the same time. I felt hollow and empty having seen my sister that was once full of life and joy lying drained and silent on the dungeon floor. If you don't feel anything from that, imagine your best friend lying on dirty stone floor, damaged both physically and mentally, begging you to stay with them when you know that you can't. It would have been less painful if I was stabbed with a knife.

 I might have stood there for hours, possibly seconds, but I could still feel Brielle's hand stroking my back in a soothing manor. I loved Brielle, but I didn't want her comfort. That isn't what would save Lilly and anything that wouldn't help her, wouldn't help me.

"Summer," she spoke softly, obviously choosing her words carefully. I wouldn't blame her; I was like a time bomb ready to go off at any second. "Summer, just look at me."

I hesitantly raised my eyes up to meet hers and the second that I did, a wave of calm passed through me. In the back of my mind, I knew that she had just influenced my emotions, but there wasn't much I could do about it seeing as how I felt like I was just drugged.

"There, that's better." Brielle's voice sounded pained like she didn't want to have had to do that. I was grateful that she did though. It was like a sedative had seeped through my system and washed away all of my worries. "Come on, let's go get something to eat."

And so we did. Everyone had already finished breakfast in the hour that I had been gone so we made the choice to eat in the kitchen.

The large full room was full of what I could only associate with brass. It's a weird way to describe something, I know, but it just made sense. All of the cupboards were coated in a metallic paint and the counters were a dark brown marble. The sounds of pots and pans clanging together filled the air and only added to my first impression. The gold-brown color seemed to be everywhere: on the walls, on the cooks' aprons, on every single bloody cooking tool in the room.

There was a small scrubbed wooden table in the far end of the room and I was led over to it like a dog on a leash. The second that I had sat down in one of the padded chairs surrounding it, a steaming mug of coffee and plate of pancakes were set in front of me, taunting me with their alluring smell. Only now, I didn't have much of an appetite.

Brielle sat down in one of the chairs opposite me and her braid swung over her shoulder, her eyes not leaving me. It was quite uncomfortable, to be honest, but I didn't say anything and kept my eyes on the food that I nibbled on. The sound of clamoring in the kitchen and the sounds of orders from the head chef were the only things to be heard.

"I'm sorry about your sister," Brielle spoke suddenly causing me to finally meet her gaze. Her bright blue eyes truly did look sympathetic, but I didn't want her grievances. I looked back down at my food and didn't utter a word.

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