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This chapter is dedicated to @MontyCarlo_xx because she's been there all this time when I want to talk, she fangirls with me, and she is super duper supportive! I lurv you...


Every fight with him would leave me nothing short of drained. I was sick and tired of this stupid little dance that we would do together and all I wanted was for the music to stop. My feet couldn't keep up with his and there would be a time where our little tango would come to an end.

I wanted a simple little friendship with him that wasn't awkward and didn't have these stupid complications that drove us apart! Is that really too much to ask for?! I mean, seriously, I've been through enough!

I literally had no where else to go and the only place to offer any form of solace was my bedroom, so that's exactly where I went. It was only when I got there that I realized I had absolutely nothing in there to distract me from my thoughts. Showering would only cause me to think and sleeping would cause my thoughts to take the shape of nightmares. There was no escape from the prison that was my mind.

So I sat on the edge of my bed and let my thoughts consume me.

I loathed having this much time to think to myself because that's when I started to second guess my choices. What if? Those were the two words that would always linger wherever I went. What if I hadn't stepped into that alley? What if I had been able to keep Lilly closer to me that day in the square? What if I jumped out that window when I had the chance? See? What if would only lead to regret, and regret was not something I didn't have time for in my life.

I thought about everything that Harry had told me, how the people were finally starting to rebel against the Vampire Law. I could only think, Why now? Why were the human citizens finally brave enough to resist the authorities? What could have possibly changed?

I couldn't deny that I was excited about the sudden disobedience. Now, there was a chance, as miniscule as it was, but it was a chance of breaking out of this hell. Not for my sake, but for Lilly's. She deserved better than what she was getting and I would gladly switch places with her if I was given the option.

Another thing that was bugging at my mind was that I was basically under surveillance, my every move being watched. Louis thought that I was some sort of undercover spy who was a major threat to the Vampire Monarchy. He really was paranoid if he thought that seeing as how my skill set starts with working in the hospital and ends with putting people there. There was nothing more to me than than medicine and martial arts.

But not only was I pissed off at Louis, but at Harry, too. It's bad enough that he was basically using me, but to know that I wasn't the first. Hell, I wasn't even in the top ten! And to think that things between us had been settled, even if only for a moment.

I was thankfully ripped from my thoughts as the sound of light tapping came from my door. Taking the opportunity to escape thinking, I shot up from the bed and went to answer.

Imagine my surprise when I saw Valerie standing there.

"Val?" It's not that I wasn't pleased to see her standing before me, but it was more unexpected than anything else. I had honestly expected Logan, Harry, or, God forbid, Louis. Compared to any of them at the moment, she was a shining gift sent from heaven. I'd had enough of males for the day.

"Yeah," she replied awkwardly. She was bedecked in her silk pajamas, surely a token of affection from Niall, I thought, remembering what I had witnessed earlier today. She shifted under my gaze and my attention was brought to a steaming bowl in her hands. "I brought you soup."

"Umm..." That was a bit unexpected. However, as I felt the tension grow after she had said that, I stepped to the side of the door way, a sign that she could enter. "That's very kind of you?"

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