Protect You

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Was I dead?

That theory would have made perfect and logical sense if it weren't for the obvious signs. There was a burning sensation coming from my arms, from my legs, my ribs and it felt as if my bones had been replaced by splintered wood. I was greeted by complete darkness and couldn't open my eyes for the life of me, but there was a humming in the backround. Not to mention I was in so much pain.

But just as I was ready to physically take my hands and shove my eyelids open, they flipped upwards, the color white greeting me. Small, bright lights hung from the ceiling that I was stuck looking at, twinkling like little stars. It was difficult to move my neck, but my fingers fumbled around on blankets and I knew I was in a bed.

Oh, great. I'm in a hospital.

I twisted my head over to side after a good five minutes of trying to work out my neck muscles and noticed that tubes were lodged into my arms. A wave of nausea washed over me as I looked at the needles, unfamiliar liquids being fed in through the needles. The worst part of looking at it was seeing just how bent and bruised my frail arms were, a few cuts dotting the pale skin.

This must be what the inside of the infirmary looks like. The walls were a pearl shite shade decorated in light green swirl patterns. Medicine was organized in rows along the cabinets and as I looked over at the waiting chairs, I realized that I wasn't alone.

A mop of wavy hair lay tussled in that messy way that made it look like he had run his hands through it repeatedly. His head was tilted off to the side and his body was curled up in the seat, a clear sign that he was resting. His eyes were shut lightly and his mouth was emitting little breaths.


Looking at him, I remembered why I was here in the first place. As the memories came back in one huge flash, I couldn't tell whether I was more angry or in pain. Adam had been an absolute monster on rampage, unstoppable. I had been completely helpless as he had beaten me into oblivion, something that I couldn't help but be a little embarassed by. 

The last thing that I remembered was being beaten to the ground and fearing for my life before someone rescued me from that brutal beating. I hadn't seen who it was, but from his voice I had a pretty good idea, and he was sitting right in this hospital room.

I smirked when Harry started to shake his head in whatever dream he was having, the whole thing seeming so child-like. He stirred slightly as if he knew that I had woken and fluttered his eyes open, looking wildly around. As soon as they rested on my figure laying down in the bed, relaxation took over his face, but only for a moment. It was soon replaced with concern.

"Summer," Harry breathed out in relief, setting his feet back on the floor and leaning forward on his knees. "How are you feeling?"

"Absolutely horrible, but I appreciate you asking," I croaked out in a raspy voice. I started slightly at how unused it sounded and my heart fell just wondering how long I'd been out. Had it been a day? A week? It was then that I became truly aware of the horrid ache taking over my fragile body, soreness erupting from attempting to move even a muscle. "How bad is it? My injuries, I mean."

Harry's eyebrows furrowed together in sympathy, the eyes beneath them looking so unbelievably tired. How long had he been up waiting for me to wake up before he passed out? But I stayed silent as he stood up in a fresh T-shirt and jeans, walking over slowly. 

As he gazed down at me with a bit of pity, I felt Harry's hand lay gently on my shoulder as if he was afraid of breaking me further. "Pretty bad," he whispered, his thumb coming out to stroke across the fabric of my hospital gown.

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