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I was basically in hell for six days.

I know, I know. I'm a doctor, so I must love hospitals, right? 

Wrong. Imagine having several IVs hooked up to both of your arms feeding God knows what into your blood stream while you're wacked out on whatever drugs they slipped into your breakfast. Also, how could I forget to mention how I had two fractures in my arms, a hairline fracture in my rib, and a dislocated ankle? The bruises had faded after a couple rounds of pills that had me rather loopy and now I only had the memory of the purple patterns stretching over my body.

But that wasn't the worst of it. I found that there were four types of nurses that worked at the palace hospital. There was the one that would treat you like a fucking baby. There was the condescending one who would smirk at you when you were wacked out on drugs. There were the ones that practically ripped off bandages and wasn't afraid to hit your bruises. And lastly, there was the one that ran off with your blood samples and you just knew where they ended up.

It was an experience I did not want to repeat.

Harry and Brielle had stopped by a few times, both of them trying to take my mind off of the aching in my bones and failing miserably. It's not easy to forget the fact that someone basically beat you into oblivion, but Brielle made an attempt with filling me in on all the castle gossip. Most of the time, I was a bit loopy in the head, but she just didn't seem to care as the talked and talked and talked.

I would actually engage in conversation with Harry though, small banters going back and forth. I was never bored from the moment that he would open the hospital room door until the moment that he closed it. When he talked, it was almost as if his voice sucked away the pain, taking away the ache from my injuries.

But six days wasn't a very quick amount of time for me and when I was cleared to go, it was like a breath of fresh air. Liam's healing methods could have been compared to magic, the speed and power of it mending my bones in less than a week until they were only a little fragile. My bruises had practically vanished without a trace and only the faintest shade of lilac was present on my cheek.

I might have been overly enthusiastic when I tore off the patient uniform, the cheap fabric ending up in two pieces, but no one could really blame me. I slipped easily into the jeans, black T-shirt, and army jacket that Brielle had brought over for when I was released, my hair quickly woven to the side in a braid.

I felt fresh as possible as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. The only thing irregular about my appearance was the bruise imprinted on the side of my cheek that was adamant on remaining there. These were my battle scars.

"Alright, Summer," Liam spoke, appearing in my doorway. "It looks like you're free to leave, though I would stay away from that training room for about a week or two. Make sure to drink lots of milk for your bones and try to keep out of trouble."

"I'll try, but I think I'm drawn to trouble."

I shot him a half smile as I grabbed zipped up my jacket.

As I jogged down the stone steps, I noticed Brielle standing off to the side, leaning against the wall with a smile on her face. As soon as I made it down the steps, she enveloped me in her arms and crushed me in the hug.

"You're not dead!" Brielle huffed, not a single passer-by paying us any attention.

"Not yet!" I choked out, breathless from the hug and she thankfully put me down.

"Sorry. Come on." Brielle took my hand and started dragging me into the castle. "You've got places to be, people to see. You know how it is! Busy, busy, busy!"

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