Awkard Silences

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Hello, people of the Internet. I love you all, with any social anxiety or awkwardness that you may have. I don't think that you get told this often enough and I just wanted to brighten your day! We all love you, except for some of the enemy fandoms...



You know how I said that I attempted to fall asleep? Well, I was unsuccessful.

I tossed and turned on the bedspread, frustration growing with every minute that passed. Every time that I shut my eyes, Harry's face always seemed to show up and shake me out of my daze. D*amn him and his stupid eyes, and stupid smile, and stupid way of creeping into my mind. The only thing that I could think about was our last interaction that had ended badly.

Finally accepting that I was not going to be getting any sleep at the moment, I slouched out of the bed and made my way over to the desk in the corner. Digging around in one of the drawers, my hand emerged with a nice pen.

I walked over to a clear space on the wall and began to draw. My ink danced across the royal blue wall paper, images of flowers, music notes, and wildlife were illustrated all over, leaving barely any space blank in that area.

I know what you're thinking, why on earth would I start drawing on the walls? Well, I honestly couldn't give a flying f*ck about getting into trouble with the house staff or any officials. As much as Harry's presence had made my stay here more enjoyable, I still hated this palace with a burning passion. I didn't want to be good for Harry anymore because our last little encounter made me feel like their wouldn't be any reconciliation. I felt that I must have screwed something up with him.

I honestly just didn't care at all anymore.

As my pen glided across the blue surface, I began to notice that the flowers and animals that I had been drawing were slowly evolving. No longer was I illustrating roses, but instead I was drawing a very life-like picture of Niall feeding on Val. The music notes that I had been drawing transformed into what I pictured Lilly to look like right now, covered in dirt and huddled up in the corner of a grungy dungeon. And there was nothing that I could do about it.

And most surprisingly of all, I realized that all of the wildlife that I had been creating had turned into a large portrait of Harry. Even in my picture, he didn't fail to look attractive. The perfect dimples imprinted in his cheeks and his bright smile beaming next to it. Harry's hair was perfectly ruffled in that windblown way of his.

Taking a step back to look at my mural, I realized, everything that I had made into this piece of art was just one large illustration of my problems. I just didn't realize that they were this big and drastic. I was scared of being fed on, terrified of Lilly's fate, and just plain confused in the situation with Harry.

God, how much more messed up can my life get?

I turned my back on the wall and walked over to the door, sure that dinner was going to start soon. I made my way down the somewhat familiar pathway and my subconscious guided me through. In no time at all I was standing in front of the doorway to the dining hall.

I hesitantly stepped into the room and noticed that the room was only half full. My eyes immediately flitted to the seat to the left of mine and saw that it was indeed occupied.

Harry looked a lot less playful and happy than he had earlier. I took in his tense sitting position and how his muscles were clenched, clearly defining how toned they were. His stunning green eyes were scrunched together and staring fixedly at the plate, but they were a mix of emotions, almost as if he wanted to smash the plate or mend it back together.

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