Chapter 18

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Author's Note: If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 18

Back in the office/room, Malloy was organizing her paperwork about the missions and Intel concerning Makarov. She will then give it to Captain MacTavish as the 141 will have the objective to eliminate the Russian terrorist. Her team will take care of the Spaniard, Espinosa. Even though she was born in Madrid, she actually lived in Milan, Italy most of her life. That was one of the reasons Malloy was picked for the job, because of her knowledge in the Italian language even though Espinosa did speak English.

Malloy grabbed a bundle of files and reports and walked towards MacTavish's office. She knocked and there was no reply so she opened the door and decided to leave them on his desk. The desk was really organized and neat.

'I must take a leaf out of his book,' thought Malloy impressed.

She rested the files on the surface and noticed a small black leather book under some papers. Malloy hesitated; she shouldn't invade his privacy but her fingers were itching to see what it contained. She opened the small book and flipped through its pages. It was the Captain's journal. It contained topographical maps, planning of missions from when he was serving with the SAS and as Field Commander of the 141 and drawings.

'Damn, he is one excellent artist!' she thought amazed.

She continued to flip through the journal when something caught her eye. There were drawings of Red's and Williams' faces labeled 'Red' and 'Fox' and there was 'Fire!' written near Red's hair and 'Medic' near Williams.

'It must have been the first day we met when we went to help them in London.'

She turned the page and saw a portrait of herself leaving her gaping at the detail of the drawing. Near the sketch, there was written 'Shadow – Captain of the E.T.F.' On the other page was a paragraph describing the mission.

The mission turned sour the instant we stepped our feet out of the building. Hostiles ambushed us instantly. Worst part? Roach was injured in the leg as we ran for cover. Did the best we could to patch him up. Still angry I couldn't protect him from being wounded in the first place. The enemy was closing in on us and that's when I realized we needed reinforcement. Bloody base told us they couldn't find anyone. We were running low on ammo and getting desperate. That's when I heard her; a woman's voice through my earpiece. I wasn't the only one disappointed when we saw only three soldiers descending from the helo. Meat couldn't believe it either. First thoughts? Only three soldiers and... women. They were women. But my opinion soon changed when the Captain took control. Fox was amazing in healing Roach and Red started popping hostiles instantly. Shadow and Fox kept everything under control even though Red was injured. We arrived at the LZ for exfil in no time.

Malloy smiled at what she just read and continued flipping through the pages.

Gone. They were gone in the middle of the night. Just like that. I had no idea where they came from or who they were as they had no badges on their uniform. Royce was right; they may be some kind of Special Forces. And we weren't even sure about that either...

After six months, I see her sitting relaxed in our briefing room as nothing had happened. I am going, to tell the truth, I was happy to see her again. Those green eyes smiling at me as I sat in front of her. I was excited about learning that I was going on a mission with her. I wanted to learn more and see what she was made of. I will find out soon enough...

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