Chapter 16

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Author's Note: And another chapter is up! I thank everyone for their kind reviews. You guys make me so happy :3 I thank you as well, kind readers, who have stuck so far with ETF. Thanks for the comments and the votes. Enjoy this chapter, comrades! 

If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 16

Allen, Daniels, and Malloy were in the mess hall on Sunday morning eating some breakfast. Allen and Daniels were eating scrambled eggs and sausages while Malloy was sipping her usual tea and eating some buttered toast. Ozone, Archer, Toad, and Roach joined them at their table with their plates bulging with food.

"Damn boys, you sure are hungry this morning," said Allen staring at their plates.

"This is a normal meal for us," replied Toad indifferently.

"We need energy, we're growing men," smirked Ozone.

"Hey Malloy, do you ever drink coffee?" asked Archer watching her drinking tea from her mug.

Malloy shook her head. "I don't like coffee Archer."

"How do you even wake up in the morning?!" gasped Ozone.

Malloy looked at him and said sarcastically, "I open my eyes."

They all laughed and started digging into their plates.

"Where are the others?" asked Daniels. "We are supposed to start training in 15 minutes."

"You train on a Sunday?!" asked Roach surprised.

"Yes, we do," replied Allen. "The terrorists do not take a break and neither should we."

"How do you know? Have you asked them?" teased Archer.

"Have you?" sneered Allen and Archer mimicked her jokingly resulting in Allen slapping him on his back.

"There they are!" said Malloy to Williams and Collins. "Good morning sleepyheads. Williams, we start training in ten."

"Good morning everybody! It's a beautiful day!" cheered Williams as she went to fill her mug with coffee.

"Someone looks happy today," commented Collins sitting near Malloy. Her arm was still in a sling so she could not train but she still joined them at meals.

"You had sex didn't you?" asked Allen squinting her eyes. The men chocked on their food and Malloy burst out laughing.

"Whoa! That escalated quickly!" said Williams defensively. "No, I did not and even if I did it's none of your business."

"Mhmm," said Daniels and Allen together pursing her lips and raising their eyebrow. Williams just rolled her eyes.

MacTavish and Ghost walked in, went to grab some food and sat next to them. Ghost looked at Williams and smiled at her and she blushed and smiled shyly back. Everyone was talking loudly and concentrating on their food only Malloy and MacTavish noticed this. Maybe because they both knew what was going on between them. Their eyes met for a brief moment but Malloy looked away immediately settling her eyes on her empty plate. The door of the mess hall opened roughly and Red stood in the doorway looking angry still wearing her PJs consisting of a black jumper with Russian Cyrillic writing on the front and dark green pants. Her red flaming curly hair was collected in a messy bun and her deep blue eyes looked like they were going to kill you with just one stare.

The Elite Task Force (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Fanfiction) ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang