Chapter 15

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Author's Note: I am so excited about this chapter! xD I really hope you like it! Please tell me if you're enjoying the story or not! 

If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 15

The rec room was quite silent on Saturday morning. Collins was the only one there, her left arm in a cast and sling sitting on the couch. The TV was on but she was staring at the ground, her eyes unfocused. At least the painkillers were working; she did not feel any pain. Not only her arm felt numb, but also her whole body and her emotions with them. She still felt ashamed about last week's mission, she was with the Captain of Task Force 141 and she did not manage to accomplish a simple objective. It was basic training: take cover, shoot at the targets and back to cover while reloading your weapon. She felt miserable and did not feel that she was worthy to be part of the Elite Task Force. There was nothing elite about her.

"Hey Collins!" shouted Allen and Collins forced herself to turn around to see Daniels, Allen, and Williams walking towards her.

"Hi," she murmured resuming her previous position.

"You have been discharged. That's good!" said Daniels sitting next to her brushing Collins' brown hair out of her face.

"The Doctor said it will do me good to move a bit and not stay still in a bed."

"How are you feeling?" asked Williams sitting on the other side.

"I'm ok," lied Collins still looking down.

They heard the door open and saw Malloy and Red walk in and they approached them. Malloy stopped suddenly looking at Collins' face confused.

"What's with the face Private?" she asked.

"It's nothing ma'am, I'm ok," said Collins forcing a smile.

They all resumed talking and Williams walked towards Malloy who was playing billiard with Red.

"She's depressed," said Williams and Malloy and Red looked at her.

"Da, she stills blames herself. Her father has ruined her and her mother's lives," said Red shaking her head.

"That's for damn sure," said Malloy shaking her head and then turned to Williams, "and I don't think the medication is helping. The painkillers I took when I was shot made me go mad and then happy a second later."

"Collins! What medication are you taking?" asked Williams and Collins reached into her pocket and threw her a yellow bottle filled with pills. Williams caught it and read the label and threw it back to her. "Stop taking those pills; they have terrible side-effects."

Collins stared at her and said, "But ma'am, Doc told me to take them twice a day."

"And I'm ordering you to stop taking them," said Williams. "You'll feel some pain but you'll feel better psychologically. I'll suggest Doc alternative pills for you."

"Roger that," she said putting the bottle back into her pocket.

"Collins, you're breaking my heart seeing you depressed like that," said Malloy pouting. She paused for a moment and then went to the stereo and took out a CD from her pocket. She inserted the CD, pressed play and turned on the volume. Collins' head shot up as 'Don't stop me now' played; she loved Queen. She couldn't help but smile when she saw Williams and Malloy dancing funnily slow-motion at the start of the music and move their hips with the rhythm of the music. When the rhythm picked up, they started waving their hands in the air and moving their heads from one side to the other and making funny faces. Red started laughing and joined in with them. Daniels and Allen screaming grabbed Collins and started dancing with her.

The Elite Task Force (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Fanfiction) ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें