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"Alright!" Michael grinned, clapping his hands together as both Luke and Ashton took their seats at the kitchen table. "I got up early for this shit so you two better be grateful." He teased.

Ashton stifled a quiet chuckle and Luke beamed with excitement, reaching out and grabbing one of two stacked plates of waffles.
They were supposed to be to share, but it looked as though Luke had every intention of eating his syrup soaked waffles on his own.

"At least use a fork, babe." Michael laughed, passing Luke a fork.

The blond grinned, blowing a kiss to Michael who fondly rolled his eyes and caught it; moving to push Luke's long blue sleeves up so they wouldn't get coated in syrup.
"Try not to make a mess, yeah?" Michael joked. "I don't wanna have to get you a bib."

Luke blushed and nodded. "I'll try. Thank you, daddy."

Michael's heart swelled with adoration, Luke was so cute and all he did was be himself. He wouldn't know what to do if he ever lost either Luke or Ashton, he'd probably go insane.

"Do you have work today, Ash?" Michael asked, opening the bottom cupboard by the fridge.

"No." Ashton shook his head. "Tomorrow."

"That's good. We can have a day together, all three of us." Michael set down an empty plate in front of Ashton, making sure it wasn't a pink one after last night's fiasco. Carefully, he placed two waffles on it, passing Ashton the fork before he drizzled some honey syrup over the top.

Kissing Ashton's forehead, he gently moved some of the male's wild hair out of the way as his lips lingered with a loving tone. "Did you want any fruit on top?"

Ashton shook his head, stabbing his fork into the centre of the waffle.

"Okay baby." Michael left another kiss on his forehead before stepping back and turning to the kitchen counter; making himself a cup of coffee and some toast. He wasn't feeling like eating waffles and orange juice today.

"I had a great dream last night." Luke randomly said, and Ashton giggled as a drop of syrup rolled off of Luke's chin. The blond was such a messy eater.

"You did?" Michael engaged in conversation. "What was it about?"

"Ashton!" Luke grinned happily. "He helped me make glitter pictures for you! I drew the picture and he glued the glitter on."

"Aw that's so sweet." Michael cooed.

"Then the pictures came to life. It was so cool!" Luke then pouted. "Calum came and ruined it though."

"He did?"

"Ripped them all up." Luke harrumphed, returning to his waffles. "Meanie."

"Dreams are weird, aren't they?" Michael couldn't really think of anything else to say, pulling his toast out of the toaster.


A few seconds passed and there was a knock on the front door. Ashton went to get up but Michael placed a hand on his shoulder with a smile.

"It's fine. I'll get it." Ashton slowly sat back down again, watching Michael leave the room.

Michael brushed his hands over his baggy jeans before opening the door. His heart dropped, any sense of happiness leaving him instantly as soon as his eyes met with a recognisable set of dark brown ones.

"What do you want?" Michael seethed.

Calum rolled his eyes, shaking his head with his hands stuffed into his pockets. "Came to grab my stuff."

"Oh did you?" Michael scoffed.

"Just move out the way, Michael." Calum huffed. "I don't want to be here any longer than I need to be."

"You know what?" Michael calmly started, causing a confused frown to cross Calum's expression.


Within a blink of an eye Michael punched his fist across Calum's face and screamed at him. "Don't you dare come back here! You hear me?! Fuck off!"

"JESUS!" Calum stumbled backwards, grabbing his nose and glaring at Michael as the sound of a car door opening and closing broke through. "What the FUCK?!"

"You sick, abusive piece of shit!" Michael raged. "You fucking used us! And you broke Ashton-!"

"I did not!" Calum winced, a woman coming up and wrapping an arm around his shoulders; her other hand gently trying to cup Calum's cheek. "Fuck, what the hell?!"

"Oh baby, are you alright? Is it bleeding again?" The woman fretted, long red nails careful not to scratch him.

Michael glanced over his shoulder when he felt someone else's presence come closer. He wished he could push Ashton back into the house and tell him to back away but he wasn't an asshole; he wasn't going to boss Ashton around.

"Jesus, Michael! I only came for my shit, goddammit. You prick!" Calum wiped a trickle of blood away with the hem of his shirt before his eyes landed on Ashton standing just behind the broader male.

"You know what? Fuck you!" Calum pointed accusingly at Ashton. "I fucking told you you always screw shit up!"

"I—" Ashton shrunk in on himself, the confidence he had last night disappearing as though it had never been there to start with. "I'm sorry.."

"No." Michael interrupted. "You're not sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for."
He glared at Calum. "Get the fuck out of here! Stop attacking him! I'm sick of your shit, you bastard! You always hurt him!"

"I do not-!"

"Get out!"

"Give me my fucking stuff and I will!"

"Oh? Oh you want your shit?" Michael stepped back, grabbing Ashton's arm and dragging him back into the kitchen. Luke bounded from his chair, engulfing Ashton into a hug as Michael disappeared into the house.
He returned to the front door, and tossed an engagement ring box to the ground by Calum's feet.

"You can have your fucking rings back." He spat. "I took them to the jeweller by the way-" he looked at the woman "-hope you know they're worth twenty bucks."

She huffed, picking up the box anyway. "Come on babe, we'll call the police."

"Fucking go right ahead." Michael snapped. "Maybe I'll tell them how you abused Ashton in high school."

"I did no such thing!" Calum shouted.

"Don't bother lying, Calum." Michael bluntly hissed. "You're no good at it anymore."

"Fuck you." Calum spat. "Have fun with your little freaks, maybe one day you'll find yourself a real man."

"I already have." Michael tightly curled his fists, not wanting to push his luck with authority by smashing Calum to the ground. He had to be strong.
"Two real men who'll treat me better than you ever did."

"They're just your high school sweethearts." Calum bitterly remarked. "You seriously think you're gonna last? They'll leave you. Ashton'll find someone better and dump you."

Michael's fist unfurled, his shoulders slouching slightly.

"He'll fucking try the open relationship shit and then kick you to the curb." Calum sneered. "Don't say I didn't fucking warn you, and don't come crying to me when he leaves and takes Luke with him."

Calum turned on his heels and the woman grabbed her car keys from her pocket as they headed for the vehicle.

"You really are a worthless bitch." Calum hissed, leaving Michael standing like shattered glass in the doorway.

The car drove off and Michael wasn't sure how long he stood there until someone's hand touched his shoulder. He turned to find Luke smiling timidly at him.

"Did you wanna talk?" Luke offered, shutting the front door.

"Where's Ash?"

"In the lounge." Luke gently tugged Michael's hand, his smile soft. "Let's all cry together, at least for a moment."

My Holy Trinity [OT4 5sos] ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt