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Michael groaned, rolling onto his side and tugging the flowery pink bedsheets up over his shoulder as a certain bouncing princess bounded onto their own bed.

"Mikey!" Ashton jumped up onto his hands and knees on the mattress, dressed and already excited into his usual bubbly personality.

Michael grumbled and Ashton leaned down with a loud whisper, "Wake up!"

"Too early."

Ashton whined, poking his cheek, "Mikey. Mikey. Mikey.-"

Michael groaned, "Stop~"

Ashton slumped down on him with a huff, "Daddy."


"Wake up."


"Please?" Ashton rolled over him, laying flat on Michael.

"Go away."

Ashton whined, "But'chu gotta brush my hair~! Cally went to work~!" He whined louder "And my dress wont button uuuuuup~!"

"Just gimme a minute." Michael grumbled.

Ashton pouted, "Please? Lukey's up and I wanna have waffles!" He nuzzled into Michael's neck, "I will snuggle you until you wake up."

"Uh huh."

"Mikey~!" Ashton huffed, shaking the man, "Wake up~!"

"Why can't I sleep in?" Michael rolled onto his back, eyes fluttering open to meet with a set of bright hazel ones looking down at him.

"Because it's wake up time!" Ashton grinned, leaning down and pecking him on the lips, "Now get up so we can have breakfast! Bugs Bunny gonna be on sooooon! We always watch it together!"

Michael huffed, "Alright, fine. Go get your hair brush."

Ashton squealed, giggling as he got up off of the bed and ran towards his dressing table. Michael sat up, pressing his back against the headboard and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
He grimaced, slowly adjusting to the brightness of Ashton's bedroom. He'd slept with the boy last night after Ashton had practically cried. Luke had been watching a scary movie in his room, knowing that they weren't to watch anything over PG in the lounge or in eyesight of Ashton when he was in his little space, but the smaller male had bounded into Luke's room without warning right as a demon attacked on Luke's television screen.

Needless to say, Michael had cuddled the shaking sweetheart until he fell asleep.

Ashton jumped back onto the bed, grinning and sitting so his back faced the male after he handed the bright pink brush over. Michael calmly smoothed the brush through Ashton's hair, furrowing his eyebrows as he gently pushed his hair aside.

"Your dress isn't on properly. Did you try to do the buttons yourself?" He placed the brush down, moving instead the fix the wanton buttons on the back of Ashton's pink cotton dress.

"I did." Ashton nodded, "With the mirror, but I couldn't get the buttons through." He pouted "I can't do buttons at all."

Michael pushed each button into place, all three coming together neatly, "Isn't this one of your favourite dresses?" He asked.

Ashton beamed, glancing over his shoulder, "Yeah-huh. Today's going to be a great day!"

"Is it?" Michael smiled fondly as the boy got up off the bed and skipped off to go and put his brush away.

"Yeah!" Ashton turned back around, giving him a 'duh' look, "We're going out for ice-cream!"

Michael gradually hauled himself out of bed, "And what ice-cream are you going to get?"

"A big massive bowl! With strawberries and chocolates and bananas and it has to be three houses high! And it's gotta be really really tasty! And I want vanilla, and strawberry, and mint, and raspberry, and choc chip, and cookie dough, and-"

Michael smiled kissed his cheek, "You can have whatever you want, babe."


"Absolutely." Michael gestured to the door, "But right now, let's go get some waffles and watch the morning cartoons. Just like you wanted to."

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