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Michael groaned, slumping himself on his and Calum's bed. Grey silk quilt cover chilling his body against black jeans and a grey pull-over sweater.

Luke and Ashton were up in Ashton's room, most likely colouring, watching T.V, purposely doing crap hair and makeup or having a "good time" together.

Michael couldn't give a fuck, he was tired. He'd dealt with Ashton's whining and tantrum throwing ass for three hours, including him and Luke ranting and raving about Calum not being there the whole time.

Michael liked to think himself a good guy but—fucking hell—it took every fibre in his body to hold back from jumping across the table and slamming their heads together.
He'd usually be able to deal with it as a tag-team disciplinary with Calum, but on his own with two bratty boyfriends? No fucking way.

At least Ashton was partially in little space for the whole trip to the parlour, because Michael was not ready to discipline an upset and bratty sub. Little punishments like standing in a corner or writing lines were easy as pie for him to do, albeit Ashton wasn't always happy to oblige, but bratty sub? That was almost impossible on his own. Especially if Luke decided to help Ashton win.

Calum made it home late, about two hours after the first three. He walked through the house, listening to the sounds of Ashton's television playing re-runs of Big Bang Theory as he wandered into his bedroom.

And amused chuckle left his lips when he stepped into the bedroom and glanced down at Michael's slumped position.

"You alive?"

Michael grumbled incoherently, turning his head and pressing his cheek against the sheets.
"Fuck off." He grumbled again, forcing himself to sit up from the nap he'd collapsed into for at least an hour. "Where were you?" He asked, rubbing at his tired eyes.

He turned and sat himself on the end of the bed, watching Calum undress from his work uniform. The fluorescent yellow vest reflecting light off of its silver stripes.

"At work," Calum deadpanned, "like I told you."

Michael frowned, eyes narrowing at the tinge of soft lipstick-pink he could faintly see stained over the bottom right corner of Calum's lips.
He wanted to say something, he really did. But he didn't. He mentally denied it, knowing that whatever conclusion he could come up with would most likely be wrong. Or at least he hoped it would be wrong.

Calum grabbed a pair of pyjamas from the drawers, carrying them to the bathroom, and disappeared.
Michael used Calum's time in the shower to get dressed into his own pyjamas, choosing to have a shower when he woke up tomorrow morning. He slumped back down onto the end of the bed, and waited for Calum to return; his mind spinning like pure chaos as his thoughts all trailed back to lipstick punk like a mess of tangled wires.

Calum returned after twenty or so minutes, combing his fingers through his hair to neaten it down as he walked into the room and shut the door.
He glanced over at Michael, concerned when the man said nothing but held a cold glare on his face. "You alright, babe?"

"No." Came the huffed response.

Calum hesitated. "What's wrong?"

"You weren't there for our date tonight..." Michael cracked, upset. "I had to try and calm those two down myself, barely managed it."

Calum gave him a sympathetic look, standing in front of his seated figure as he casually brushed his fingers softly through Michael's hair. "I'm really sorry I couldn't make it. But I was busy with work, you understand don't you?"

Michael sighed with a slight roll of his eyes. "Yeah-Yeah. I get it. Work's important."

"I'll make it up to you," Calum gently lifted Michael's head; pressing his fingers under the man's chin with a tilt, "I promise."


"Why don't we go out tomorrow?" Calum offered, "It's my day off, we can do whatever you and the guys want. Does that sound good?"

Michael shrugged, trying to avoid Calum's gaze only to stifle a laugh when the brunet pulled a bright smile and tried to catch his green-eyed gaze.
Michael swatted him away, "Stop, you idiot."

"Well?" Calum grinned, hands on Michael's knees as he playfully leaned closer, "What do you say?"

"Sure. You'll have a tough time with the guys though, they're not very happy with you." Michael replied, raising an eyebrow at the brunet.

"I know." Calum sat down beside him, pushing his hair out of his face, "I'll think of something."

"You'll have to." Michael yawned. "They're probably still awake. I managed to get them to eat dinner though so you should thank me."

Calum calmly turned Michael's head to face him, placing a quick kiss to his mouth, "Thank you." He smiled, leaning back for another kiss.

Michael hummed, wrapping his arms around Calum's neck and slowly bringing them both back against the bed sheets, "Sorry, what was that?" He teased. "What'd you say?"

Calum shook his head, amused as he held himself up over the slightly shorter male, "I said thank you."

"For what?" Michael quirked an eyebrow, a smile itching to consume his cheeky expression as he lay back on the bed with his arms looped around Calum's neck.

"For stepping up and giving the lads a good date." Calum hummed, kissing him again. "What would I do without you?"

Michael rolled his eyes, smiling faintly, "Where's all this sap coming from?"

"Guess I'm just glad to be home..." The brunet mused, nudging his lips softly against the dip of Michael's neck; almost teasing as he breathed hot air against cold skin.
"I missed you." He sucked a slow hickey onto the pale skin of his boyfriend, relishing in the small mewl Michael gave in return.

"You better have." Michael tilted his head slightly, biting down hard on his bottom lip as Calum's kisses ventured lower.
"We have to do another ice cream date. Properly."

"I'm sorry I missed it." Calum's hand trailed up Michael's side, sneaking beneath the man's shirt and pressing down on his hip.

"You should stop-" Michael squirmed, uncomfortable with his realisation.

"What?" Calum pulled away, gazing down at the man. "Why?"

"The guys'll hear us." Michael insisted. "It wouldn't be fair."

"Mm..." Calum seemed to understand, retreating from their intimacy.

There was a soft silence for a moment and after a while Calum broke it with a sigh, "How tired are you?"

Michael's eyebrows creased, confused by the question. "I'm awake I guess, why?"

"Let's go out." Calum said, lifting himself up off of the bed. He held a hand out to Michael, encouraging. "Come on."

Michael sat up, placing his hand in Calum's so the brunet could help pull him to his feet, "Go out where?"

Calum shrugged, "Maccas?"

"In my pyjamas?" Michael pointed out, exasperated.

"Yeah. Why not? I did say we'd go out and have that chat you wanted, right?" Calum suggested, "I'll pay for whatever you want."

"What if I want five burgers and three frappés?" Michael jokingly mocked.

"Come on, babe, it'll be fun to get out the house."

"I went out last night."

"Think of this like those couple goals tweets you're always skimming past in your feed."

Michael flushed red. "Shut up."

"You complain about them all the time. Now you can be them." Calum pulled him gently by the hand, "I'll drive. Let's go. I'm starving."

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