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Luke stirred awake to the sound of an irritating buzzing noise ringing through the lounge room. His eyes fluttered open, body moving slightly as a quiet groan left through chapped lips.
Warmth cocooned his whole body and he blushed when he realised he'd snuggled up to Calum for the entire night.

He let his gaze linger on the brunet beneath him for a moment, taking in the way he seemed so relaxed and peaceful.
God, that man was beautiful.

Luke frowned, hearing the buzzing return after a few short seconds. He sighed, spotting Calum's phone vibrating on the coffee table. Carefully sitting up and reaching out, he grabbed it from between two glasses of warmed water and hazily managed to read the caller's ID.


He yawned, absent-mindedly swiping his thumb over accept and answering the call.

"Hello?" He said.

"Who's this?" A woman's voice came through the speaker, confusion in her tone.

"I'm Calum's boyfriend. Who're you?" He shot back, not intentionally trying to be rude; but his tones were often muddled when he was just starting to awaken.

She barely waited for Luke to be finished talking before she hung up and Luke was left with the disconnected sounding beep for a second before the phone automatically ended the call.

Luke huffed, scowling with confusion whilst Calum's body began to move underneath him; the brunet beginning to stir awake.

Calum sighed, not bothering to move as he let his eyes adjust to the sunlight in the house. He briefly glanced up at Luke, spotting his mobile in the blonde's hand, "What're you doing?" He asked, not a hint of anything but politeness in his voice.

Calum was weird like that. He could wake up as early as the sunrise and yet never stir into anguish. He barely ever woke up irritated, and when he did it was mostly because he didn't sleep properly. He managed to keep that anguish under control, which really made things so much more entertaining whenever both Calum and Michael were awake at the same time before ten AM.

Michael was a cranky morning person, and Calum was the smug bastard who always purposefully twisted his arm for pure amusement. To be fair, it often ended up in a heated session in the bedroom which definitely woke Michael up with a happy tune afterwards.

Luke tossed the phone down onto the table, "Someone called you but hung up when I answered."

Calum yawned, "Did you catch who it was?"

"Someone called Janet?"

The brunet sat up with a groan, "Dammit woman." He grumbled, fumbling for his phone, "I told her not to call this early."

"Who is she anyway?" Luke curiously asked.

"Some chick from work." He picked up his phone and got off the couch with a heavy sigh of disdain.

Luke pouted, "You're not gonna cuddle me?"

Calum held his phone to his ear, giving the blond a smile, "I'll come back, babe." He walked out to the kitchen as the woman from before answered his call only moments after being dialled.

Luke huffed, settling back down onto the couch. Whoever that woman was he didn't like her purely because Calum wasn't cuddling with him right now. They could be watching those cute and loony early morning cartoons together but no. That bitch had to call.

Luke switched on the television, surfing the channels for a moment before landing on the right one with a grin. If Calum wasn't here, he'd watch the cartoons himself then.

Luke was about halfway through watching Bugs Bunny trick Daffy Duck into duck hunting season when he heard Calum's voice raise with slight agitation.

"No, I told you not to call!" His voice was firm, definitely assertive over the woman, "I'm sorry, but I did tell you not to. You know exactly why. They could answer the phone and then what? Where would we be? I thought you knew how to handle these things?"

Luke couldn't help but turn down the television a little bit, his curiosity getting the best of him as a he trained to listen in to the conversation.

"Look. I'm sorry. I just woke up. I usually don't explode so easily. Yes, I apologize. I've asked for a lot and your services are definitely more than satisfactory."

He listened to the woman for a moment before laughing slightly, "Yeah. I'd definitely love that. I'll meet you sometime this week, okay? Your husband still in town? Oh yeah, that's great. I'm happy for you. Yes, that time's perfect. I'll schedule it in. Yep, uh huh. I gotta go now. Sorry again and thank you. I appreciate the call."

He bid her goodbye and hung up, pocketing his mobile as Luke quickly turned the television's audio back up slightly. He walked in and sat down, calmly pulling the blonde to rest back against his chest.

"What was all that about?" Luke nonchalantly questioned.

"Just work. She's trying to set up an induction meeting for the new guys joining this week."

Luke gave a small 'oh' sound in understanding and nodded, not really buying it but also not really doubting it either. It was hard to say.

"What're we watching?" Calum hummed, arms wrapped around Luke's waist and hands rested on his stomach.

"Loony Tunes." Luke replied "Daffy's losing his marbles again."

"I love that duck." Calum commented, "He's an idiot but he's hilarious."

"I like Tweety Bird." Luke smiled back a response "He's so sassy and cute."

"Kinda sounds like you."

"Kinda does, doesn't it? That makes Ashton Jerry's nephew. That mouse is so cute and adorable. Always getting into trouble."

"You really like these cartoons don't you?"

"Love them." Luke admitted "I absolutely love them."

My Holy Trinity [OT4 5sos] ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz