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Michael hesitated, anxiously gnawing his bottom lip as his hand hovered over the door handle to Ashton's bedroom.

The man had locked himself away ever since last night. He'd spent the day shopping with both Luke and Michael, smiling and bringing them such happiness that Luke hadn't stopped smiling since; wrapped in all of his new outfits and toys and gifts he'd been able to buy. Not to mention the unlimited amount of compliments, hugs and kisses he'd received; unable to help himself as he shared them with Michael too.

Michael hadn't bought anything yesterday, he felt too guilty in doing so. Ashton didn't get a job just to spend his earnings on them completely, he still had a house to keep.

It was about three in the afternoon now and Luke hadn't woken up yet. He'd spent his night binge watching some new show about strange kids so Michael was positive he'd be asleep for a while. The only worrisome thing was the scenario before him.

Ashton hadn't made a single motion to leave his room, and Calum hadn't come home yet; hadn't even messaged any of the guys to explain where he was or what he was doing.
There was something more going on between Ash and Cal, and Michael wished he could find out what it was and help them. They'd only just gotten the group back together and now it was falling apart again.

He sighed, deciding to be brave and finally enter Ashton's room. He stepped inside, gaze flickering around the room with shock as he shut the door behind himself.

Ashton was sitting on the very edge of his bed that was now draped in grey colours, pink sheets stuffed in the corner of his room next to a large bin full of pink things. His posters had been ripped off the walls, pink ornaments tossed and a pile of girly pink clothes settled beside the bin too. He was dressed in a dark black shirt and a pair of matching jeans, hands fiddling with his rag doll named Poppy.

Michael smiled to himself, that was Ashton's favourite teddy out of all of them. He adored it because it had represented a feature of each of his partners, it had been like carrying his love around with him wherever his little mind went.

"Do you know why I named her Poppy?" Ashton didn't look up, too fixated on the teddy he'd found.

"Because she popped out at you." Michael instantly replied, smiling with adoration at the memory of picking the doll out at the shop.

"...She's supposed to be important, isn't she?" Ashton seemed to be trying to piece his little mind's old memories together.

"Her hair used to remind you of mine, before the red faded out." Michael contently explained. "Her eyes are brown, like Calum's, and you always said her blue dress reminded you of our little Lukey; it looked like his favourite dress."

Ashton slouched further in his position, and Michael could see he was trying not to cry; the odd tear trailing down his cheek, almost unnoticeable.

"You remembered all that?" He mumbled.

Michael beamed. "Of course I do.-"

"What's Luke's favourite band?" Ashton looked up, glossy eyes meeting with Michael's.

"He used to like 1975, but he prefers Blink 182." Michael was slightly surprised by the question, but answered it nonetheless.

"His favourite show?"

"I'd say F.R.I.E.N.D.S but he hasn't watched in a while because he got mad at Joey."

"His favourite food?"

"Um... Maybe it's still mint choc chip ice cream?"

The smile that touched Ashton's lips was undeniably sad. "It is..."

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