26 | the devil's plan

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"What the hell is it?" he grumbles.

"Ria DeVoure is here," he reports, keeping his dead eyes trained on Vincent's face. "I let her in downstairs."

"Oh?" Vincent arches a brow. "Well isn't that just perfect?" He smirks and shuts the door in his face. "Looks like I won't have to go to her after all."

"Why is Ria here?" Camilla wonders.

He strolls across the room to his wardrobe and finds something quick to put on. "Probably to remind me of just how useless she's been." He shoves on a dark pair of jeans and slips his arms through a black button up, leaving it unfastened. "Go shower and prepare to go out to dinner. This won't take long."

"A-are you going to hurt her?" Camilla asks with far too much emotion.

Vincent stops midstride to the door and glances back at her. Worry has etched itself across her flushed face. She's perched at the end of the bed, mimicking the graceful allure of Aphrodite in her flawless nudity.

"Why do you care?" he inquires calmly and tilts his head to the side.

"I don't." She places her hands on her thighs. "I just like her. It'd be bad if we lost an opportunity with her."

He chuckles and shakes his head. "You and your crushes. Don't I provide plenty of servants to you already? Trust me, Ria doesn't seem like the type of woman to be into you."

Camilla opens her mouth to speak, but Vincent is already turning his back and leaving the room. When he reaches the railing to overlook his grand entrance, his sights fall on Ria who's looking around anxiously.

He smirks. "Now, isn't this the most pleasant of surprises?" he proclaims, letting his voice reach around the empty mansion as he strolls down the grand stairway.

Ria looks up and folds her arms like a reflex.

"I never get surprise visitors anymore," he continues as he stands before her.

"We need to talk." She gets straight to the point, voice as hard as her expression.

He loves it. Loves how strong she is. How no matter how much he's hurt her, she doesn't show him an ounce of fear. It only makes breaking her down that much more thrilling.

"Why else would you be here?" He goes to stroke the locks of fire that cascade her shoulders, but she shifts away with a vicious glower. "Don't be so jumpy," he teases.

"Don't touch me." Ria shifts a step back and broadens her small shoulders. "This will be quick. I only have one thing to ask you."

"Well, isn't this pleasant? I have something to tell you too, Ria. Please" — he raises a hand and turns down the hall to his dining area — "let's sit down."

He doesn't wait for her to follow, but his ears perk to her boots scuffing against the marble floors. Grinning, Vincent leads the way with his head high. His toys always return to him. As much as they try to avoid it, as much as they loathe him, they always come back.

Just like he'll be getting Vivian back a lot sooner than he expected.

When they reach his dimly shaded dining room, he pulls out a seat for Ria at the grand table. As she sits, he strolls to the other side to reside across from her. Hazel eyes are shifty, always taking in her environment. She draws one of her reddish lips between her teeth and straightens in her seat.

"What brings you so willingly into the den of the man you hate the most, Ria?" He folds his fingers over his mouth.

She places her hands on the tabletop and meets him with determination blazing across her delicate features.

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