His favourite kisses

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Kim Seokjin

Pecks on the lips

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Pecks on the lips. There's something sweet and weddingly about it. Like a kiss at the alter. He loved the heat of his cheeks, and the soft smile you would both share afterwards. He always had the urge to make you his wife after such kisses.

Min Yoongi

Hand kisses

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Hand kisses. They made his stomach erupt in butterflies like a high schooler, yet he felt like a prince all at once. The best part was that you held his hand just as tightly afterwards, even as he smiled like a dork in front of the world around you.

Jung Hoseok

Shoulder kisses

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Shoulder kisses. After long hours of practicing, he was always exhausted and achy. What made it all worthwhile was the kisses you'd press against the aching muscles of his shoulders, rubbing away the weariness. They were his weakess and strength.

Kim Namjoon

Dimple kisses

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Dimple kisses. It was no secret that you loved his dimples. They were a symbol of happiness to you. So you kissed them whenever they popped in to say hello. It always made the dimples more significant as Namjoon grinned, flooded with warmth and affection.

Park Jimin

Wrist kisses

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Wrist kisses. It became a tradition of sorts when either of you felt down for no explainable reason. Whether it was sadness or insecurity, you'd find each other, take the others hand and let them kiss the veins beneath soft skin.

You're still here, baby, and so am I.

Kim Taehyung

Forehead kisses

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Forehead kisses. He loved them. They made him feel like he was being watched and loved, like he was a precious trinkent or a puppy. He loved the feeling of being loved.

Jeon Jungkook

Jeon Jungkook

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Neck kisses. His neck was sensitive and ticklish, and whenever you kissed it or blew a raspberry, he'd break into laughter. You'd hug around his neck from behind and tease his neck until he was practically crying with giggles. It was some of his favourite memories.

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