I nodded, understood. She cares about me a lot and I am lucky to have a mother like her. ----

I heard my cousin growled like a fucking wolf, she was still mad at me. "He won't end up like this if only he listen to me. Seriously, what do you get from getting in a fight?" She said then she rolled her eyes at me.

"Past is past." I said.

She stuck her tongue out at me to mocked me with her hands on her hips.

Okay, I guess she really hates me. ----

Days passed and I had the time of my life free from the hospital, the second day living inside my apartment with my mom helping me here and there. I felt like I was a free bird free from the nest once the doctor let me walk out from the hospital but it was annoying that I had to use crutches to walk properly.

Thus, I was also worried about my hospital bills so I asked my mother who paid for it and she told me that my dad paid for it.

Oh, I haven't seen that old in years. What a kind asshole he was for paying my hospital bills. It was probably the only shit he paid for me. What a fucking surprise from my sperm donor.

I hope he's having a lot of fun, sleeping around with random young college girls. My dad was dating this girl who was my age and I wanted to vomit every time he called me on the phone just to talk to me. How could I even call him dad after what he did?

He's a jerk.

I never answer any of his calls, he is a disgusting old prick.

When my mother told me that he paid for my hospital bills, I didn't even call or text him to say thank you because he didn't even visit me when I was inside the hospital. He never care about me, I don't even know why he paid for my hospital bills. ----

I sighed, staring at my leg.

I won't go to class until I stop using the stupid crutches, I looked so stupid with it. It was so hard to take a bath and even putting on my boxers. My mom helped me to put a shirt on and pants too but I had to wear my boxers on my own so it was a struggle for me because I had to do it all alone with one hand.

"Chris please finish your oatmeal." My mother said while I was still watching the television.

I nodded, without a word.

My phone rang and I sighed heavily because I was lazy to use my phone when my other arm was useless and broken.

I used my one hand to answer the phone, "The fuck you want." I hissed because Joel was the one calling me.

Joel was a piece of trash and a coward, best word to describe him was a pussy.

"Where are you? You're not with her right?" He asked.

He was anxious since the day I yelled at him about not letting his best friend know what secrets he was keeping from her. He got scared if I told Valerie the whole truth because he was a coward.

"Dude, I'm with my mom right now but if I see her, I will fucking tell her. I'm tired of keeping shit from her, she's your best friend so what's the point of keeping it when she will find out about it sooner like how she found out about our little deal with the whole fake dating thing." I said.

I heard him sigh heavily, "You know what, fine. I know you won't keep your mouth shut. Sure I will go and tell her right now. You don't need to do it on behalf of me, I will tell her, myself. Bye." He said then he hung up leaving me dumbfounded.

What the fuck?

Was he for real? "So he's finally gonna stand up and be a fucking man now and confess to his own best friend?" I murmured.

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