• 7: Complicated •

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In a matter of hours, the Linda, Jay and I pulled up to a fairly large house with a grey bottom that looks like drywall and a reddish, wooden top. There were stone covered posts holding up a ceiling over the front porch and the roof was almost black. There were two huge windows above each other – on separate floors – and two small ones near the door. Overall, the house looked beautiful and cozy.

Linda went up to ring the doorbell, while Jay and I took our bags out of the car. Jay had his and Linda's big brown suitcases and was bound to make a second trip for his work briefcase. I was dragging a large and heavy black suitcase and my backpack.

The front door opened and out stepped brunette that looked to be in her forties. She was tall, slim and had deep blue eyes that lit up with her smile as she saw saw her friend. This could be none other than Annalise.

"Linda!" she squealed.

"Anna!" Linda chirped back excitedly as they threw their arms around each other. They then pulled away laughing and chatting about how it had been a while.

"I'm willing to bet it's been since last weekend," Jay muttered beside me. I chuckled and looked up at him. He was really tall, and it wasn't because I was short – he was six foot three.

"I haven't met her, have I?" I asked.

"No, the two of them hang out all the time... but the families don't usually get an invitation," Jay joked. I smiled and nodded at that as we walked up to the porch steps. Annalise squealed once again.

"Jay! Long time no see!" Annalise ran down the stairs and practically tackled Jay as she hugged him, making him stumble back slightly with a laugh. She then turned to me and grinned "Oh! You must be Charlie! Linda's told me so much about you!"

"Hello," I mumbled shyly.

"You're every bit as beautiful as Linda said," Annalise smiled. Behind that smile, I could see a little bit of emotion and I already knew Linda told her my story. I gave her a small smile in return and proceeded to dragging my hefty suitcase up the porch stairs. "Here honey, let me help you with that. It looks like it weighs more than you do."

"It probably does," I muttered, ignoring her attempt to take the suitcase from me. Once I managed to pull it inside the house, I headed back to the car and grabbed my guitar.

"Would you like me to show you to your room?" Annalise asked as I stepped inside once again. I nodded shyly. "Here, let me at least take your guitar." I handed it to her mumbling a 'thank you'.

I dragged my suitcase up the stairs as Annalise talked about how happy she was to have us here, though she was sorry about the circumstances it was under. She even managed to fit in how she and Linda had been friends since high school.

The room I was staying in was sort of simple, yet sophisticated. It had light green walls, a single bed with four posts, a desk, a dresser and a door leading to a bathroom. My favourite part was the window next to the bed. I was always on the edge of things if I could. Windowsills, railings, counters, tree branches. I'd always liked heights, and I probably always would.

Annalise put my guitar on the bed and smiled at me.

"Thank you very much," I said politely.

"You're welcome darling. If you need anything, just let me know! I'll be downstairs with Linda and Jay!" she told me. I nodded and put my suitcase flat on the deep brown wooden floor. Annalise exited the room leaving me to unpack by myself. I noticed that the desk had a charging dock with speakers for my phone, so I walked over and hooked up my phone.

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