Annoying Things They Do

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Chewing with his mouth open. When he grills up a particularly juicy burger or you bake a sweet apple pie, he tends to eat very quickly, shoveling it into his mouth, chewing very loudly and showing his food.

Tapping/clicking. When working or if he's bored, Sam will often tap his fingers in the desk or click his pen. If you're feeling anxious or irritable, you'll sometimes snap at him to stop.

Making you jump. Cas has a tendency to scare you by speaking very suddenly or flying into a room unannounced, or even once having you want you to done him standing at the side of you need, staring at you. Nightmare inducing.

Jiggling his leg. When he's reading typing something up on his laptop and is focused intently on something, he'll jiggle his leg or tap his foot repeatedly, usually without even knowing it, at least until you tell him to stop or put a hand on his knee to stop his movement.

Make jokes/comments at inappropriate times, such as, when you're in the hospital after we you get seriously hurt after a hunt, trying to get Dean to come out of his room after he locked himself in, or when you and Sam got into an argument and she's trying to ease the tension.

Using his powers to much. Sometimes you like to pretend that everything is normal and that you and Gabe are a normal couple, and Gabriel respects that so he tries to limit the usage of his grace, but sometimes he forgets and goes overboard.

His kingly duties. Crowley's job as the King of Hell means that he has to tell all his lackies what to do, torture the Winchesters, make people scream, ect; although you love the demon with all your heart and he treats you like a queen, that doesn't mean that that screams of the damned don't keep you up every night, Crowley!

Leaving clothes everywhere. When Meg gets home, she immediately takes off her bra and pants, leaving them wherever they fall as she walks through the house. You used to pick them up, but now you just tell her to pick them up, as they began to pile up she got the message and started to begrudgingly hold onto her clothes and drop them into her laundry basket.

Making you cold. John will often do small things like put his cold hands up your shirt, put an ice cube down your back, turn the heat off on your shower, flick water on your face after he washed his hands, small things like that, and it annoys you to no end.

Interrupting you. Ruby has a habit of accidentally cutting you off. She's been good on stopping herself, but sometimes she'll just keep going on about what she wants to talk about.

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