How You Meet

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"Excuse me?" Dean asked sitting next to you in some bar in the town he had a hunt in, "Can I buy you a drink?"

"Sure," You smile back to him and close your case file. You are a hunter who just found a case in this town, a rogue reaper that needs to be taken care of. Dean calls the bartender over and gets you another (Your favorite drink) and gets one for himself. "What's your name?

"The name's Rob Plant. What about you?" He tells you and you automatically pick up on the name. Robert Plant, the singer of Led Zeppelin. You shake your head and laugh quietly.

"Joanne Jett. Hi," You hold out your hand for him to shake and he does. He snorts and grabs your hand.

"Joanne Jett? Like Joan Jett? That's one coincidence." You give a small laugh, reaching into your pocket and pulling out your card. You place it on the bar next to his hand as well as a twenty-dollar bill for your drinks.

"Says you, Led Zeppelin," You wink, grabbing your case file and your notes, "Cute." You say as you jump off your stool and walk out of the bar.

You were in a library, looking for the book you've been dying to read. You looked up the Paranormal/Supernatural aisle trying to find the new creature book. You looked up to see it was on the top shelf... the very top.

"Really?" You whined. You weren't the tallest person ever and this always happened. You were too short to reach your babies. You looked around and saw no one was there so you basically tried to scale the rack. After a few minutes of failing to grab the book, you sighed and dramatically hit your head on the shelf. You heard someone chuckle behind you and you spin around to see an extremely tall man with long, shaggy hair standing behind you, trying not to laugh. "Could you?" You asked and motioned to the shelf.

"Yeah," He smiled at you, stepping next to you. "Which one?"

"That one," You point to the book and he easily reaches up and grabs it. He turns and hands it to you.

"Why are you reading about monsters?" The man asks.

You shrug, "It's fascinating, isn't it Mythology, folklore, stuff like that?" You ask and he nods.

"You know, if you want, I can give you some notes," He tells you.

"Really? What do you know about the supernatural?" You ask, raising your eyebrow.

"More than you'd think," He tells you looking slightly uncomfortable. You hold out your hand and he looks up at you.

"My name's Y/N. What's yours?"

"Sam," He smiles, taking your hand.

"Well, Sam, how do you kill a vampire? A silver bullet or a stake through the chest?"

"Neither," He smirked. "You decapitate it."

You smiles, letting go of Sam's hand, "If you want, I'm sitting right over there, you can come sit with me," You turn around and walk back over to your table, looking back to see the tall man still standing there, open-mouthed.

You are Sam and Dean's older sister. When Dean died, Sam went off on his own and you were left looking for him for three months until Bobby called you saying Dean was back. Obviously you put off finding Sam and you, Bobby, and Dean found him together. Later, You met a psychic named Pamela who had her eyes burned out by Castiel. So you, Dean, and Bobby decided to summon the thing. I know. Smart, right?

You and the two men were sitting in the barn, which Bobby had essentially drawn every trap from every religion all around the world in there. Bobby was whistling and you were biting your nails, anxious. "You sure you did the ritual right?" Dean asked, breaking the silence. Bobby gave him a bitch face and Dean apologized. Almost right after, the wind started to pick up and the tin roof started banging and rumbling. Loud.

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