Wedding Collection: Dean Winchester

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Created by: TheGirlWithTheTatoo

First Dance Song

Aerosmith - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing. It describes how much Dean loves you the way he's never loved anyone before. The way he loves Sammy and Cas and Charlie if a completely different love than the way he loves you. He loves you now and forever. He doesn't want to miss one smile or one kiss. He doesn't want to miss a thing.

The Proposal

You sigh and drop your bag on the table of the war room. You, Sam, and Dean had just gotten back from a hunt that had gone exactly as planned. For once! You were all still a little dirty and sweaty, but that's normal for any hunt. At least it was getting colder, it's early November and this is that last hunt planned for the year.

"Im going to take a shower," you say. You go to walk through the library to the bathroom to take a shower when Sam steps in front of you, blocking the way. "What?" You ask, trying to step forward again, but Sam still won't move. You see a smile grow on his face and you. "What?!"

You hear Dean clear his throat behind you and you spin around. You see him down on one knee in front of you. You step back, confused. Is he- no way.

Dean reached out and takes your hand.

"I know how you feel about hunters having relationships. Dating, getting married, having kids growing old together- I used to feel the same way. I though hunters didn't get to be happy. I thought hunters couldn't have lives because they should be saving other people's lives. I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I realize that what I though was wrong. I want to marry you. I want to have a family with you and grow old together."

He pulls a small box out of his back Jean pockets with his left hand, his right stiff holding yours.

"Y/N, I love you. Will you marry me?" He asks.

You smile and nod, laughing inwardly at the over sappy proposal that only Dean could've given you. "Yes, of course."

The Ring

Who Walks You Down The Aisle

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Who Walks You Down The Aisle

Actually, your best friend, whom you've known since elementary school was more than happy to give you away. They actually might've cried more than you...

"Oh my little baby's all grown up!"

"Y/BF/N, please."

"I can't take it! My sweet child is getting married!"


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