Wedding Collection: Sam Winchester

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First Dance Song

Adele - Make You Feel My Love. Dean says the song is trashy even though you've caught him singing along to himself once or twice when you and Sam were practicing your dancing. You and Sam both identify with this song. You both feel like you're the singer and the lyrics are your own words to the other.

The Proposal

"Come on, please!" You beg. Sam was walking behind you with his hands on your back and shoulders, leading you... somewhere.

"Not yet, Shorty," he chuckled as you groaned and stopped walking.

"I'm going to punch you in the face in 10 seconds in you don't tell me where you're taking me, Giant."  You said. He laughed, knowing that you were joking, of course, but you just pouted, still mad about not knowing where you're going. You hear a door open and you almost trip walking through the doorway. You take a deep breath in and stop walking, making Sam almost bump into you. "Is this a library? Did you blindfold me to take me to a library?" You ask, reaching up to take the scarf he tied over your eyes off. "Samuel Winchester, I swear to god."

"How did you know it was a library?" He asked, starting to fidget nervously.

You gave him a "bitch, really" look. "Like I don't know the smell of books right away, Sammy? Come on. Why did you have to blindfold me to take to the library?"

Sam took your hand and lead you to the row of shelves marked Paranormal/Supernatual and stopped. "This is where we first met. I remember that your short ass couldn't reach a book up top and I had to help you get out down," you smiled at the memory.

"Yeah. I think that's the best day of my life and basically the only time my height has come in handy." Your smile dropped slightly when you looked up to Sam to see him looking nervous. "Hey, what's up?" You asked, squeezing his hands.

He nodded and smiled, squeezing your hands back. "You know I love you right?"

"Of course!" You answered, starting to get nervous yourself.

"I just wanted to bring you here to let you know that I love you. I love you more than anything and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He got down on one knee and look up at you. "Y/F/N, will you marry me?" He asked.

Your hand shot up to your mouth and tears started to flow from your eyes. "Yes!" You answered, nodding your head. Sam got up and hugged you, picking you up off the ground for a second. After a few minutes, you noticed that you two had a crowd gathered, cheering and clapping.

The Ring

Who Walks You Down The Aisle

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Who Walks You Down The Aisle

Your father. He's still in the dark about Sam and Dean's job and thinks that they are both in the military/FBI, that explains how you all live in a hidden bunker, have tons of weapons and a war room as well as a library full of book which he is definitely, 100% not allowed to read, among other strange things. Of course he threatened to murder Sam if he ever let anything happen to you, you know, with his super secret job, but none the less, he was so happy for you and was so proud.

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