Chapter 42

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Ashton's POV

The ride to my house was rather quiet. Luke didn't talk and neither did Erik and I. Erik didn't feel like going home tonight and neither did Luke, so we agreed they could just crash at my place again. Penny was at her house now, Jade was still at my place, Sam went home for the night, Chase went home, Kallie, Alexis, and Emily all went home as well. To be perfectly honest, I think the only reason Luke said he didn't feel like going to his house tonight is that he knows I don't want to be around my so-called parents. My chest tightened at the thought of meeting them again. I say again because I don't remember what it was like to live with my mom anymore. I don't even remember her name anymore. Liar. You know her name is Elizabeth. I growled at the voice in my head. No, you don't get to be a part of this. Oh, but I already am. I sighed as I realized the voice was right.  I shook the thought from my mind as I pressed a little more on the gas pedal. I took a deep breath and started slowing down once we were closer to the actual city. Once the city lights were illuminating the road ahead of me I began to pay more attention to the road so I wouldn't miss my turn. I popped my neck and turned on my blinker as I slowed down a little. There it is. Turning down our road brought me a feeling of....happiness? I smiled as I pulled into the driveway and put the car in park before switching off the ignition. I stretched my legs as I stepped out of the car and closed the door. My brother and my boyfriend followed behind me into the house.

"You can crash in the spare room or on the couch. My room is available too, I'm gonna be down in the basement with Erik," I said as I looked at my brother. He nodded, "Alright. I'm gonna take the couch so Jade can have the spare."

"Nah, I'll steal Ash's bed. Go to the spare room and get some sleep. If you check the second drawer on the left side of the dresser there should be a t-shirt and a pair of sweats that you can fit." I looked at Jade, "Wait, how did you know that was there?" She smiled before shaking her head and skipping off to my room. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Erik's wrist. Bedtime. I dragged him down the stairs and to the couch. "I'm cold and I'm tired. Cuddles?" I stuck my bottom lip out, something I knew he wouldn't be able to refuse. "Of course, Prezioso, anything for you."

I crawled onto the couch and got under the cover, Erik crawling in right behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest tightly, kissed the top of my head, and like that, I was out like a light.

I awoke the next morning still in Erik's embrace. I focused my eyes on his face and listened to the sound of his breathing. I smiled at his sleeping face and his messy bedhead. I love him so much. He honestly means so much to me, I don't know where I would be without him. He's the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. My phone began vibrating on the table, causing me to jump. I carefully climbed over Erik to answer the phone.

"Hello?" I answered quietly, trying not to wake Erik. "Hey, Sam. What's up, doll?" Pause. "Oh, really?" Pause. "Definitely." Pause. "I'll be there. Can I bring Penny?" Pause. "Awesome, Sammy, I love you." I hung up the phone and started to climb back over Erik. His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me down so I was straddling him. "What a way to wake up," he grinned. I blushed deeply, "I was trying to get back in my spot without waking you." He rubbed his thumbs in circles on my hips, which really soothed me. I leaned down and kissed him gently, feeling the familiar spark once our lips made contact. I pulled away and stared down at him and into his eyes. Those eyes. I could see my reflection in them and my heart melted every time. I really do love him. I smiled before climbing off of him and stretching. He gave me a look of confusion, "Sorry babe, I gotta get dressed. Sam wants to hang out today, so I'm gonna grab Penny and go meet her. I'm gonna let her take it slow with getting to know everyone, and I feel she and Penny will get along pretty well." Erik frowned at me and batted his eyelashes, "But babe," he said dragging out the 'a'. I kissed his cheek and grabbed his keys, to which he nodded, giving me permission to take the Impala. I smiled as I jogged up the stairs with the keys and my phone in my hand.

Upon entering my room I found Jade sprawled out on my bed with a pillow over her face. I laughed quietly as I entered my closet to get my outfit for the day. I decided on a white shirt with a skull wearing a flower crown made of roses on it, a pair of denim shorts, and my black boots with gray fur around the top. At the last minute, I grabbed my leather jacket and pulled it on over my shirt. I messaged Sam, 'Bring Doug.' to which she responded, 'Always. Can Charlie come too?' I sighed mentally before deciding it wouldn't be an issue, 'Sure.' I quietly went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before putting on some dark red lipstick and eyeliner. I decided to keep it simple, so I just lined under my eyes and left the liquid alone.

I ran into Aaron on the way down, thankfully, and was able to make sure he didn't mind what was about to happen. "Hey, I'm gonna go get Penny and Sam. I wanna dye my hair and so does Sam, so we were gonna go get our hair done and then maybe get lunch. Can I dye my hair?" I asked skeptically. I hope he doesn't yell, please don't yell. "Sure, do you need some money?" he asked, causing me to grin, "Thank you, would you mind? I don't know if I'll have enough." He pulled out his wallet and gave me about $400. My eyes widened and I tried to object, but he cut me off before I could say anything, "Take it. Keep the change or spend it on something." I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek, "Thanks, dad," I spoke as I rushed out the front door and jumped into the car. I turned the engine on, put her in reverse, and backed into the street. I pulled away from my house and headed toward Penny's house. I decided to go ahead and call her to let her know I was coming. It rang twice before she answered, "Hey Penn, wanna go with me today? Sam and I are going to get our hair dyed and afterward, we're gonna grab lunch then I wanna go get a tattoo." She agreed happily and I hung up.

Once I got on the open road I decided to give her some freedom and I put my foot to the floor. I grinned as the wind blew through my hair and the radio played. It's times like these I really understand just how beautiful life can be. I slowed down as I began to get closer to Penn's house, eventually stopping in her driveway. She walked out the door in a pair of dark jeans, gray boots, and a white sweater. Her hair was in a fishtail braid that ran down the length of her back and I smiled as I thought about how Luke would probably be drooling right now. She got into the passenger seat and we headed over to Sam's house. I rolled into Sam's yard and saw that she was waiting on the front porch with Charlie by her side. I smiled seeing she was wearing her usual today: A red crop top, white high waisted jeans, her white converse with red roses on them, and Doug, her leather jacket. In her hand, she had her galaxy skateboard and her gray beanie. She hopped into the backseat behind me and Charlie got in behind Penny.

"So hair first then lunch, right?" Sam asked me. I laughed a little, "Well, sorta. I wanna get that tattoo I was telling you about, so we'll hit up the tattoo parlor after lunch." Sam cheered, "It's about time, Ember!" I laughed and saw Charlie half smile in the rearview mirror. "I wanna get one too," Penny said, shocking us all. I grinned at her before driving off to the hair salon.

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