Chapter 11

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Ash's POV:

I woke up with strong arms wrapped around my waist. Huh? I looked over my shoulder to see Erik. Oh. Ooooh.... "Are you awake?" I whispered. I was met with a smile. "Morning, princess." I giggled softly at the nickname, "What happened last night?" At this he sat up. "You got drunk. I told you to stop drinking and you said only if I kissed you. So, I did, but you like climbed in my lap. Seth was there and boy he wasn't happy, Jade and Penny were oddly...okay with it. Seth went on a rant blah blah. You wouldn't let go of me so Jade drove us home. I carried you up here, we went to sleep. End of the story." I felt giddy inside because I kissed Erik, but then I felt bad because he only did it cause I said I wouldn't stop drinking otherwise. "Okay," I got out of the bed. "I'm gonna go change into some different clothes, I'll be back in a bit."

I quietly entered Jade's room to see her and Penny both asleep. I smiled, took a quick picture, grabbed my bag, and went back to Erik's room. "The girls are still asleep, can I borrow your bathroom to get dressed?" He nodded and I went to his bathroom. I changed into a plain black tee and a pair of ripped black leggings, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and then I did a little bit of makeup. I double checked to make sure my piercings were still in place and then I walked out of the bathroom. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so quiet. Why? Oh I don't know, because since Erik wasn't aware that I was walking out of the bathroom he was changing when I walked in. I slowly backed into the bathroom as though I didn't see anything and softly closed the door.

10 minutes later and my face was still flushed as hell. Ugh. I opened the door and this time Erik was fully dressed and seemingly waiting for me. I smiled softly. "You look nice princess," I blushed as he spoke. "Thanks, Erik" I yawned as I thought about how it felt to wake up next to him. "Where to?" He smiled, showing his perfectly white teeth, "You'll see princess. Slip on some shoes and meet me in the car." I smiled as he disappeared through the doorway. I grabbed My converse from last night and laced them up. I double checked to make sure I was cute, then I walked outside. I was immediately met with the sound of laughter and the smell of pizza. I got in the car and raised an eyebrow at Jade and Penny. They both shrugged and went back to their pizza. I tried to grab a slice but Erik took it from me.

"Hey give it back asshole" I frowned as I reached for my pizza. He shook his head and shoved half of it in his mouth. I narrowed my eyes, jumped in his lap and grabbed the other half. Jade and Penny immediately began laughing again. I ate my half and moved back to my seat. "I was eating that, princess" Erik groaned. "Oh well, you took it from me so I got it back" I rolled my eyes as he started the car and began driving down the road. I contemplated on whether or not I should start singing. Maybe. But I suck so I probably shouldn't. "I've lied to you..the same way that I always do..this is the last smile...that I'll fake for the sake of being with you..everything falls apart even the people who never frown eventually break down... the sacrifice of hiding in a lie...everything has to'll soon find we're out of time left to watch it all unwind..the sacrifice is never knowing..why I never walked away why I played myself this way now I see your testing me pushes me away..why I never walked away...why I played myself this I see your testing me pushes me away" I sang softly.

"Woah I didn't know you could sing!" I laughed and blushed, "Didn't realize I was singing loud enough to be heard, sorry.." "Hey, no apologizing, princess. That was beautiful. Just like you." "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" I heard Jade and Penny chorus. We all started laughing again and I ate another slice of pizza. God I'm gonna get even more fat if I keep on eating pizza. Oh well. Nothing to lose.

"SHOPPING!" Jade squealed when we arrived at the mall, causing me and Penny to laugh as Erik covered his ears. I shook my head and tried to step out the car, Erik grabbed my hand and pulled me back in. He told Penny and Jade to go ahead. Jade smiled and headed into the mall with Penny. "Last night at the bar was...nice..I mean believe me I wish our first kiss wasn't because you were drunk, but.. " he blushed softly. I smiled and looked down before grabbing his hand. I looked into his eyes. They locked. He licked his lips and leaned in. I met him halfway and we kissed. My body felt like it was being held together as the fire pumped through my veins. Our lips molded together for the better part of a minute before we both pulled away for breath.

Both of us were flushed as hell and I'm pretty sure we were both biting our lips. Oops. There was a sudden knock on the window and we both jumped, but I screamed. Ugh, Seth. And Aaron? I rolled the window down, "Can I help you?" I asked as if I was a worker at McDonald's. "Get out of the car, Ashton" Aaron spoke with a serious voice. Not good. I clambered out of the car and stood looking at the two of them. "You wanna explain why you were kissing him?" Aaron questioned. "Because I like him?" Seth looked both angry and hurt. "Okay, look, Seth and I aren't getting along too well at the moment, obviously, so I've been spending time at Jade's. That's her older brother, Erik," Erik chose that moment to wave and step out of the car as well. "And I like him. He's really nice, he doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't 'forget' about his girlfriend, which he doesn't even have, and he's a really good person." Aaron looked to Seth, "Look, I'm sorry okay? I got caught up in your eyes and I forgot about Alexis. It's wrong, I know. But if it makes you feel better, she slapped me and poured a gallon of iced sweet tea on my head." I shook my head, "Sadly that makes me feel bad. See, if you had never adopted me then this wouldn't be an issue. I'd probably be dead." I whispered the last part. "Excuse me?" Aaron looked at me, "What was that last part?" I sighed, "Nothing."

"No nuh-uh you said something." I rolled my eyes, "I said I'd probably be dead. Happy?" All three heads were turned toward me, curious as to what I meant. "I'm not dealing with this today" I said before turning and running. Thank God I can run fast. Plus they didn't expect it. The woods. Just get to the woods.

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