Chapter 19

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Ash's POV

     I grinned widely as we arrived at the fair. I had never been to one before. At least, I don't think I have. Hm. The girls climbed out and the boys finally pulled up behind us. Aaron stepped out of the car, "Ash, slow the hell down when you're driving," he scolded, earning a disapproving look from Megan. "Leave her be, we were having a sing-a-long moment." He rolled his eyes, "I'm just glad everyone is safe." Erik, Seth, and the other guy got out of the car and I noticed that Kallie was staring at the other guy again.

     "Ash, meet Chase, he's one of the guys I went to high school with. Chase, that's Ash, Penny, Jade, Megan, and Kallie." Seth looked into my eyes and smiled. I waved shyly while the others greeted Chase. We headed toward the entrance booth. "Everyone can get a wrist band," Aaron said, but I protested, "Aaron, they're 20 dollars for each one. There's 9 of us. That's 180 dollars for all of us." Aaron waved it off and paid for everyone to enter. I gave him a hug and thanked him.

     I glanced over and caught Erik staring at me, causing him to smirk. I blushed and asked what we should do first. "Oh! Let's go on the spinning swings!" Kallie spoke excitedly, I nodded and we all began in that direction. "That looks so fun!" I squealed. I grabbed Erik's hand and pulled him into the line. We were next. Two people could swing in each spot. We were all in two except Seth: Megan and Aaron, Penny and Jade, Kallie and Chase, and Erik and I. Seth grabbed his phone and began taking a video just before the swing started going.

     I smiled and waved at him, looking back at Erik, who looked terrified. The swings speed picked up and we began to spin faster and faster, making me smile. I love this. I looked over and noticed how scared Erik seemed, so I grabbed his hand to comfort him. This continued for a moment and then I saw a shoe fly into Seth's face. I busted out laughing. Erik frowned. The swing slowed to a stop and we all got off. "I lost my shoe." Erik frowned. I laughed, "Seth has it, it hit him in the face." Seth glared at the shoe with great disdain before handing it to Erik. Haha.

     "Can we do the balloon pop thing?" I asked Aaron. He nodded. I raced over and paid for 3 turns. I grabbed the darts and aimed for the balloon. I missed. Damn it. Erik grabbed my hand and showed me how to throw and when to release. Pop! Yes! I smiled at him as he helped me with the third one. I threw the rest of the darts, not missing a single one, and earned the big prize. A giant stuffed red panda. I could see the look in Penny's eyes and I immediately knew red pandas were probably her favorite. I smiled and handed it to her, "Here, you take it." "Are you sure?" I nodded. She squeezed it and thanked me, "Thank you Ashy!" I laughed.

     "That was sweet, Prezioso," Erik smiled down at me, "I know." Aaron approached me, "Hey, Megan and I are gonna go over to the slides, anyone wanna join?" Kallie and Chase went with them, while Seth, Penny and Jade decided they were hungry and wanted food. By this point the sun was setting. Erik and I headed for the Ferris Wheel, which, thankfully had a rather short line.

     As we slowly rose to the top I glanced at Erik. The sunset made his skin look rather flawless. I looked at him and he looked at me. And for a moment, everything stopped. My heart began racing as Erik leaned in, our lips meeting in a perfect mold. I felt a fire ignite in my veins and I deepened the kiss. My phone rang and I groaned, answering it. "Hello?" I heard Aaron speak, "Can you two stop making out at the top of the Ferris wheel?" I giggled, "Sorry Aaron." He hung up and I grinned, kissing Erik again. My phone rang again, "Yes?" I spoke into the phone, "Stop making out with my brother up there, I'm gonna puke!" I laughed and she hung up.

     My phone rang again, startling me, and I slipped. I screamed, I was going to fall. I was hanging onto the car with one hand. Erik immediately reached for my hand and attempted to pull me up. "Prezioso, give me your other hand," he coached, I shook my head, "I can't let go, I'm scared!" I felt the tears prick at my eyes as my hand slipped and Erik lost his grip on my other hand.

A/N: Hales, Gwenny, I'm not sorry.

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