Chapter 35

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Ash's POV

I'm so tired. I know I shouldn't worry about it, but all the hate I'm getting is terrible. I've even gotten death threats for being with Erik. Apparently he's way out of my league. If only people understood that I know that. He's too good for me, but he doesn't care. He loves me.

"Hey, Ash!" Emily yelled from the kitchen. I jumped up and went into the kitchen, "Which chips do you want?" I laughed before grabbing the barbecue chips. I can't believe how close it's getting to Christmas! I opened the chips and plopped down on Erik's lap, him pulling me closer to him. He stole a chip and popped it in his mouth. I frowned before eating one myself. He kissed the side of my jaw, but with the way we were sitting no one could see. I bit my lip and grabbed another chip.

"So, did anyone get ice cream?" Penny asked, causing me to laugh a little. "I don't think so. Me and Erik will go run and get some though." Aaron was about to protest, but Haven insisted he let us. "They're responsible, and besides, I wanna spend time with you before I leave again." He sighed, "Oh, alright. Fine. Since you're going out, stop by the place on the way back and get the special stuff," he spoke to me. I nodded, but everyone else looked confused.

We walked outside and both got into the car, buckling up. I turned the radio on and plugged in the aux. Its an old car, but Erik installed an auxiliary port for me. He's so sweet. I put my playlist on shuffle and "Animals" started playing again, causing me to grin and him to blush. He kept driving though. I asked him to pull over once we were on a backroad, alone. He pulled over, asking what was wrong. "Nothing, I just wanted to kiss you."

I slid across the seat and straddled him, kissing him deeply. He reacted immediately by kissing me back and bringing his hands to my waist. I gently pulled on his hair, causing him to moan. He kissed my jawbone and sucked on my neck. Oh fuck. We clambered into the backseat where we had more room to move around, him laying on top of me. He kissed my jawline again, causing me to let out a slight moan. My phone vibrated in my back pocket but I chose to ignore it. I pulled it out and tossed it on the floor. Erik sucked on my neck, no doubt leaving a hickey.

The phone vibrated again, causing me to sigh. "Hello?" I spoke into the phone. It was Aaron. "Oh, yeah, we're almost there. There was a roadblock so we had to take a backroad." I heard him let out a sigh of relief into the phone. He told me he'd check back in a bit. I hung up the phone, put it on ring, and tossed it aside again.

I moaned again as Erik gave me another hickey. I pulled his hair and he moaned as well, gently biting down on my neck. My phone began ringing again, but I hit the button to silence it. I moaned again, "Fuck Erik..." and he moaned as well since I had pulled his hair. "Damn Ash, not so rough," he mumbled. "EXCUSE ME?!" I heard a voice through the phone. Oh shit. I looked wide eyed at Erik and we both realized I had clearly hit the wrong button. I hung up the phone and quickly climbed back into the front seat, Erik following. He started the car and we sped to the store, running in to buy a gallon of every kind of ice cream, which didn't take that long. Once we had paid and put everything in the trunk, I got into the drivers seat and headed to the liquor store. I knew what Aaron meant. I told Erik what Aaron would want and gave him the money. He ran in and came out a few minutes later, alcohol in hand. The drive back home was awkwardly quiet. How would I explain to Aaron without him getting angry? He's probably pissed as is.

We pulled up at the house and Aaron was outside waiting. Damn it. I groaned as I turned the engine off. I bit my lip as I opened the door. I sheepishly looked up and my eyes met Aaron's. Oh yeah, he's pissed. Is he...? Oh no. Aaron's holding a shotgun. This ain't good at all. I stepped out and closed the door. "Ashton, I'm disappointed in you." I opened my mouth to speak but Erik interrupted me. "It's not what you think sir. I-she-we didn't have sex," he stuttered. "It's my fault. I straddled him and kissed him and we started making out. He gave me a couple of hickeys. I kept pulling his hair. It's my fault. Ground me if you want, but," I kicked the gun into the air and caught it, holding it beside me with one hand. "You don't need a damn gun for this."

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