Chapter 2

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Shelby's POV:
I looked down at my hands. It was hard to believe that Aaron and Seth chose her over me. I felt betrayed, she didn't even have to try to be sweet and act all innocent, I am so hurt. I've been here since I was 3, my mom dropped me off in the rain and drove away. I always kept to myself, I was the sweet one who was bullied in school, so naturally I tried to fit in. The only reason I am mean to Ashton is because I deserve to be adopted, it just hurts that she doesn't even have to try and still gets adopted! Ugh, no one likes the sweet girl. Do they think I am snobby? Am I too skinny? Too fat? Is my hair too strawberry blonde? Is it not the right color? Are my eyes too amber? Am I not pretty enough? Am I too tall? Too short? She was so pretty, I'm secretly jealous of her. The perfect hair, the perfect smile, the perfect glowing green eyes, the perfect height, she's simply perfect. Since I've been so mean to her, I guess I should apologize before Aaron and Seth come back.
Jogging down the hall to the kitchen, I see Ashton making lunch for the little kids. Ivan, Lucy, Hermin, Mary, Kate, Josh, and Danny were gathered at the table, waiting patiently for Ashton to finish their hamburgers and steak fries. She finished cooking everything and "dressed" their food for them. After the kids had gotten their food I pulled Ashton to the side. "Hey... I wanted to apologize" I said, she gaped at me. "I've been really mean to you because I'm jealous that I have been here longer and no one will adopt me..." I say and look down. She suddenly hugs me, and for some odd reason I hug back. "I'll see what I can do" she says and smiles slightly. We go upstairs and I help her pack. She has a lot of BVB merch and a ton of other band stuff. Wait, wait, wait. Is that a jewelry box? Lip rings, earrings, holy shiz! I underestimated this girl! I gaped at her.
When Aaron and Seth came to get Ashton I looked at her and handed her a piece of paper. "Don't open it until you are alone" I whisper, and then they leave. This is gonna be a long rest of the school year.

Aaron's POV:
I watched Shelby as she handed Ashton a piece of paper. I wonder what it says I thought and then pushed the thought to the back of my head. We get into the car after Seth and I carry Ashton's things to the car. I start to pull out and then Ashton speaks up "So... Anything you uh... Need to know about me?" She asks softly. "Uh, yeah, when is your birthday?" "April 24th" "Full name?" "Ashton Deja-vu Mae-ryn...." She stops not sure of my last name. "Oh, uh Scott. Your last name is now Scott." She smiles, "I like it" she yawns, putting in earbuds and slowly drifting off to sleep. I could hear "In The End" by Black Veil Brides playing. I laughed. Seth looked over at me "She's gonna be easy to get along with. I'm a Black Veil Brides fan myself" he laughs.
The rest of the ride home was quiet. When I pulled up to the house, I took all of Ashton's things to her new room, and when I came back out to wake her up, Seth was carrying her bridal style in his arms up to her room. I felt a slight pang of jealousy, and then it disappeared. I guess it was just a dad thing. I locked the car and went inside. I found Ash asleep in her bed. I smiled and pulled the blanket over her, heading to my room to get a hot shower before I go to bed. I passed Seth in the hall. He was in a t shirt and his jeans still, he hadn't finished getting dressed. He glanced up at me and looked at his phone. I realized he was texting his girlfriend, Alexis, and kept walking. I headed for bed as soon as my shower was over with. I tossed around for a few minutes until I got comfortable.

~Dream Begins~
I sat there with my eyes open as I stared at the scene before me. I was trying to speak, but no words would come out. Ash, my adopted daughter, was lying on the floor, blood surrounding her. I kept trying to scream, but nothing happened, my body couldn't move. Suddenly I rose up above the whole scene. I was dead. Seth was crying and holding a knife, had he killed us? I watched as the police came in and zipped my body and Ash's in separate body bags.
~end of dream~

I woke up screaming silent screams, and then Seth came running in, with Ash behind him. I looked at the two of them. "Go, please, just let me be alone" I croaked softly. "But Aa--" I cut Seth off "Go. I'll be fine." He nodded, Ash lingered a moment before turning and following him. Was it just a dream? Or was I having Deja-Vu?

~Flashback Begins~
"Aaron sweetie, it's okay. It's going to be okay." My mom soothed me. I was around 12, my mother was looking at the dead bodies of my father and my brother. My father had tried to talk to my mom, tell her she was mad, but she sliced his throat open, and when my brother tried to call the cops, my mom strangled him. Blood was now dripping from her fingers as she ran them through my hair. That was the last I saw of her. I ran away that night, hid in an alley, was found by a nice lady, she took me in and gave me a home, helped me deal with my nightmares. She was basically my mother. After that day, I swore I would never love another person again. I would never let myself feel that pain again.
~End Of Flashback~

(A/N: hey!! I figured this was pretty good. I like the way this chapter came out. I know it is a lil' depressing but I hope you like it. Please comment if you have any ideas for what you would like to happen, or if you want your name to be in the story. I love you all!!)
Love you,

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