Chapter 9

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Seth's POV:

     "YOU LITTLE LYING CHEATING HO YOU WERE KISSING HER!!!! I FUCKING SAW YOU!" Alexis yelled in my face. "Babe---" "NO WE ARE THROUGH FUCK YOU!" I sighed, "Alexis Azul James, don't do this to me." She then slapped me in the face, poured a gallon of ice cold tea on my head, and walked away. I punched the wall, leaving a hole, and then I slammed my door. I dialed Ashton. "I hope you're fucking happy cause Alexis just broke up with me." I heard silence. "Okay. I don't care. You're an ass." And then the line disconnected. I then threw my phone and shattered it. That's how I ended up drunk in a bar. "Give me another shot of Jack Daniel's," I said to the bartender. After downing shot number 17, I think the pain is beginning to numb.

     "Dude look at that girl over there, tooootally underage," some random man said. Oh boy. This should be good. I turned around and my eyes bulged. Oh hell to the motherfucking no. "Dude look at her ass, it's so firm," the man said. Ashton, Jade, and some girl with auburn hair were all three standing with a guy. They were playing ski-ball. They weren't wrong, Ashton has a nice ass, but they need to back off. I got up and walked over to them. "Ashton, Jade, who's the auburn and who's the dude?" Ashton glared and refused to say anything. "My names Erik, I'm Jade's big brother. That's Penny, one of their friends. Who the fuck are you and how do you know them?"

     "Easy, I live with him. He's the asshole who 'forgot he had a girlfriend'." Erik immediately glared, "Oh, he's the one who you sa----" Ashton clamped her hand over Erik's mouth. "Oh? So you were talking about me. All good things I hope," she laughed. "Nope, not a single damn one." I frowned and decided to go play pool with a few guys. Half an hour later and I look over to see Jade and, well, I'll call her Penny cause the hair reminds me of copper, Penny still playing Ski-ball, but Erik and Ashton were no where to be found. I decided not to look for them. That was a bad idea.

Ashton's POV:

     "You're really cute," I giggled. Erik smiled at me, "I think you've had enough alcohol for one night." I frowned, "But I want more." He shook his head, "No more alcohol for the night, okay princess?" I grinned. "On one condition, I get to kiss you." He blushed a little and sighed. "Okay, you can kiss me if it means you'll stop with the alcohol." I immediately agreed. I bit my lip softly, climbed into his lap, and looked into his eyes. His eyes are really mesmerizing. His face began to grow more red as he looked into my eyes as well. I slowly leaned in and he met me halfway. When he kissed me it felt like my breath had been taken away, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he gently grabbed my waist. Suddenly I was no longer touching him and I felt strong hands around me. I looked up to see Seth. Ew. "Let me go asshole!" I groaned loudly. He tightened his grip. "Erik what the hell?" Jade said. "She wouldn't stop drinking, and she said she would only stop if I let her kiss me. I didn't know she was gonna sit in my lap!" I blushed and bit my lip. "Seth let me go," I whined softly. He held me tighter. "No, you are staying right here. Like it or not. Get over it." I groaned and Penny laughed, "Oh please, I think Jade and I both saw this coming."

     I giggled and wiggled out of Seth's arms and jumped back into Erik's lap. I smiled and curled into his chest. "Someone looks tired," Jade spoke up. I nodded. "Seth, don't worry. We're gonna go home and I'll make sure she goes to bed," Jade said. He groaned, "Fine. Don't let anything happen to my babygirl." I immediately shot up, "I am not your babygirl. We are not a thing. Fuck off." Penny coughed to cover up her laughter and Jade covered her mouth with her hand. "Carry me," I looked up at Erik. "Okay princess, let's go home." I yawned and curled into his arms as he carried me bridal style to the car. I protested when he tried to sit me down, so Jade drove, Penny rode shotgun, and Erik sat in the back with me curled into his chest. The whole way to Jade's they played songs by Paradise Fears. I began to fall asleep.

     When I woke up I was being carried inside. I mumbled softly and looked up at Erik. "I wanna sleep in your room," I mumbled. "Okay, princess." He laid me down on the bed and pulled the covers over me, as he tried to leave I grabbed his wrist, "Please stay with me." He sighed, "Let me tell Jade so she doesn't worry about you." I nodded. He left and about ten minutes later he returned to the room. He went into the bathroom and changed. When he came out he was shirtless and in a pair of pajama pants. He crawled under the covers and I reached for him. He smiled gently and pulled me to his chest. I fell asleep feeling more safe than I've ever felt in my entire life.

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