Chapter 41

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Luke's POV

Today is my date with Penny. I'm nervous, but I'm excited. I've been spending all day trying to get everything ready. The park I'm gonna take her to is a private park. I had to find the owner and pay him to "close" it for the day, so I could set everything up. The leaves that fell from the trees made the whole setup look better and even more romantic. My heart began to pound as I thought about Penny. She's so beautiful. Her hair was long and copper, her eyes weren't just green, they were bright green and they sparkle. I close my eyes and I can see her face. Just thinking about her reminds of how she smells like green apples. My heart flutters in my chest as I think about the beautiful girl I have a chance with. She's out of my league, but she seems to think I'm worthy enough to be with her, otherwise, she wouldn't have agreed to this date tonight.

I sent her a message and told her which pizza place to meet me in and patiently waited for a response. I don't have a car just yet, so she said she didn't mind meeting me there. Of course, everything is within walking distance of each other. She responds to let me know she'll be there in 20 minutes, so I began my walk to the Pizza Parlor. I arrived and ordered a half pepperoni half cheese pizza for us. I know she only likes cheese pizza. Thank you, Ashton! I smiled and messaged Ash and Emily while I waited for Penny to arrive. We had a group chat now.

Luke: Penny is on her way. Nervous!

Ashton: Don't be. It's gonna go just fine!

Emily: Make sure to be urself

Emily: Wait dnt do that


Luke: Ok think I see her


Ashton: That's my best friend you're talking about. You may be my brother, but if you hurt her I swear I will beat the hell out of you.

Luke: Calm urself

Emily: Haha u got threatened :P

Luke: She's here gtg

I looked up as Penny entered the parlor and looked around before her eyes landed on me. I was breathless and she wasn't even dressed up. She's wearing jeans, a white sweater, and some fuzzy black boots. Her long copper hair was flowing freely and partially covered her face. I wanted to tuck the strands behind her ear just so I could see her beautiful face. My heart pounded in my chest as she stepped closer to the table. She sat in the booth seat across from me and smiled shyly. "I like your makeup," I said softly. Oh gosh. Nerves. "O-oh, thanks. Ashton made me wear it," she smiled gently at me. I shook my head, "Sounds like something my sister would do."

The pizza was brought out to the table and the waitress asked what we wanted to drink. "Oh, uh, I'll take a coke and she'll have a rootbeer," I said while looking into Penny's eyes. Ash also told me how much Penny loves rootbeer. The waitress smiled at me and winked as she turned around to walk away, swaying her hips, I simply rolled my eyes at her attempt to flirt and returned my gaze to Penny, who was staring at me. She blushed once she realized I had caught her staring. "Ready to eat or do you wanna wait on the drinks?" I asked her, clearing my throat and trying to calm my anxiety. "We can go ahead and start eating," she smiled. I nodded and immediately grabbed for a slice of pepperoni, while she grabbed for cheese. The drinks finally arrived a few moments later. I thanked the waitress and stifled a laugh as she tried flirting again. She took a step back and tripped over her own feet. She fell onto a guys table and got pizza in her hair. Once she had her tantrum and walked away, I busted out laughing. Penny looked at me in a scolding way and shook her head. "What? She totally deserved that," I whined. "Whether or not she deserved it isn't the point, it's not something to laugh about. What if she had gotten hurt?"

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