Chapter 8

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Ashton's POV:

     When I fell asleep I was in a very comfortable position. When I awoke, my body was twisted in many places. I almost felt like my body wasn't mine. Oh well. I noticed that Seth wasn't with me. I frowned and then I noticed his phone was ringing. I saw "Alexis❤" pop up on the screen. Confused, I answered. "Babe, I'm coming over later, get the trojans ready." I hung up. I felt my heart break. I should've known better. I bit my lip and held back the tears. After forcing myself off the floor I left Seth's phone and headed to the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and climbed into the hot shower. I let the silent tears fall and I dug my nails into my wrists. I can't believe I fell for his lies. I should've known better. I continued to cry until I was so numb I couldn't feel the water anymore. I finally decided to get out. I stepped out and suddenly there was blood dripping onto the floor. I looked at my wrists and realized my nails broke skin.

     "Babe where are you?" I heard Seth's voice. "Leave me alone!" I snapped. I had a towel wrapped around myself now. After walking out of my bathroom and entering my room I grabbed some clothes from the dresser. "Babe what's wrong?" he asked me. "You. You didnt bother to mention your girlfriend Alexis to me. And here I was thinking you actually cared about me." I dropped the towel, too angry to care if he saw me nude. I began getting dressed as he spoke again, "I forgot about her when I met you, okay?" he sighed. I gaped, "You forgot you had a fucking girlfriend?!" He sighed and looked at me with the most adorable face. "I got so lost in you when I first saw you. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I know I shouldn't be saying this because of Alexis, but I love you. I really do." I looked down at my nails and sighed softly, "I think it's best if you don't go to the dance with me. If you do I might not be able to help from falling for you."

     My phone began ringing. I checked the caller ID and saw it was Jade. "Hey, what's up?" I asked. "Uh, let me go ask him... I'm not sure," I spoke as I headed down the stairs. "Hey, Aaron, can I go out with Jade in about an hour?" I asked softly. "Yeah, be back by 5. You, me, and Seth are going out to eat at 6." I bit my lip, "Can I go with Jade? She was planning a pizza party tonight. Just the two of us." He looked at me and smiled, "Yeah that's fine. Are you staying there or coming home?" I looked to the phone and asked Jade if I was staying over. "Yep, I'm staying with her tonight." He nodded, told me to be safe, and sent me on my way. I went straight to my room and packed everything I'd need for the night.

     "Where are you going?" Seth asked me. "Jade's. Pizza and a sleepover tonight" I said in a monotonous voice. I was still upset with him. Sure, it makes me feel special that he thought I was so mesmerizing, but it scares me. What if he chooses me and then he forgets me and finds someone better? And who's Alexis anyways? Could it be the girl from school? I sighed and finished packing. "Aaron can you drop me off at Jade's?" I yelled from my room. "No Hun, Seth can though, I've got work to do, sorry." I groaned and grabbed my bag, "Seth, can you take me to Jade's? Aaron has stuff to do so he can't take me."

     "Yeah, I'll take you. Let me grab my keys." I nodded and headed down the stairs. He opened the door for me and I headed to the car. Once again he opened the door, so I set my bag down and got in. Seth got in and looked at me before starting the car. When we were halfway there he put his hand on my thigh. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him, "What the hell are you doing?" He chuckled softly, "I'm just putting my hand on your thigh, do you want me to move it?" I shrugged, "I don't really care."

     When we arrived to Jade's, he gave me a kiss and carried my bag to the door for me. I smiled softly and knocked on the door. A tall, shirtless guy with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes answered the door. "Can I help you?" I bit my lip softly, "I'm here for Jade, she told me I could stay over..." He laughed heartily, "You must be Ashton." I nodded. He let me in and I headed down the hall to Jade's room. To my surprise, Penny was there.

     "Hey, I didn't know you were here!" I smiled warmly. Penny laughed shyly, "Yeah, Jade invited me. I hope it's okay." "Of course it's okay. I think you're a really cool person. Also, you're going to the dance with us," I grinned. "PIZZA'S HERE GIRLS!" I heard Jade's brother yell. We all immediately jumped up and ran down the hall. I slipped on the rug and landed flat on my ass. "FUCK!" They all laughed at me as they saw me fall. Jade's brother helped me up. He's really strong. I laughed and sat at the counter. "So what's your name?" I asked her brother. "Erik. Erik Jewel. Pleasure to meet you princess," he smiled and held out his hand. I laughed and shook his hand, "The pleasures all mine." Jade cleared her throat, "When you're done flirting with my friend, we have a ferret that needs feeding." I blushed and Erik did as well. He smiled and left the room to feed the ferret.

     "You two were so flirting!" Jade laughed as we entered her room. "No we weren't, he was just being friendly. Besides, why would he like me? I'm ugly and I'm a nobody. I'm not special." At that moment Penny spoke loud and clear, "That's not true. You're beautiful just the way you are. You're special and unique. I'm proud to have a friend like you. I already know we're gonna be close. Don't ever let someone put you down. I'll beat the heck out of a motherflipper if I need to."

Ashजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें