Serpent Queen (S2: Part 1)

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Betty's POV

I smile as I walk up onto the stage of the Whyte Wyrm. I look as everyone cheers me on. I return my attention to Jughead who was standing in front of me. He had my jacket in his hand, the replica of that Toni had gotten me for my birthday. I watch as a big smile appears on his face, I can tell how proud he is. As I reach the front of the stage where Jughead was standing.

{J} I now crown your new SERPENT QUEEN!!!

The crowd goes off in louder cheers. He holds my jacket up and helps me slide it on. And as soon as it's on they all cheer one last time. I smile and embrace the attention. I step down off the stage hand in hand with Jughead. As I walk over to the bar I get high fives and hugs. I sit down at the bar, turning so I'm facing away from it. I put my elbows on the counter and lean back. Toni and Veronica burst threw the door of the Wyrm. They look around until the see me, they practically tackle me with hugs.

{T} Were so sorry we missed it. It's Ronnie's fault. She kept fucking up her eye liner.

{V} I wasn't gonna go out with one wing poppin and the other looking like I fell in a pool!

I chuckle.

{B} It's all good, you guys are here now that's all that matters.

They look around,

{T} Where's Jughead?

{B} He went up to the office, probably had something important to do.

{V} What could be more important than being with his Serpent Queen?

I chuckle again,

{B} A lot of things.

{T} Speaking of important, we have to start studying for SAT's

My eyes widened, I looked at Toni.

{B} Shit, I totally forgot about SAT's. Aren't they like next week?

{V} Don't worry they're actually in two weeks. We've got time.

{B} You may have time, but I don't. I still have to help Jughead move in.

{T} Ooooh, so you guy's are actually moving in with eachother! Whens the wedding?

{B} Oh my gosh, shuttt up. He's only moving in because my house is bigger and closer to the school.

I playfully shove her, I walk behind the bar. I grab a Pepsi before I go to sit back down.

{V} And because you guy's are like, I don't know...Soulmates!

I hear the office door open and Jughead comes out, he walks down the stairs. He walks over to me. He stands behind me, he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses the top of my head. Toni and Veronica make their "Awe" faces. I roll my eyes, 

{J} Who's soulmates?

{V} You and B! 

He looks at me and kisses me on my cheek. 

{J} That's true. 

I giggle, leaning back on him comfortably. 

{B} Okay what about you guys?

{T} Well there's this girl, she's totally hot. And she's planning this party when school ends. 

{J} school. Haven't heard that word in awhile. 

{B} Probably because we've been too busy killing people. Did you know we have SAT's in two weeks. 

{J} Well we should start studying

He starts tickling me, making me blush super hard 

{B} I think I'll study with V and T. And least I'll get something done. 

{V} Actually B, I'm gonna be helping Sweets. 

{T} Yeah and I'm gonna be tutoring Cheryl. 

I sigh and turn back to Jughead. 

{B} Well than never mind. 

They all chuckle, Veronica's phones dings. 

{V} Sorry I gotta go, Sweets mom is making dinner. 

{T} Ask if I can come too! 

{B} Thought you had to study!?

{T} We have two weeks!

{B} In that case. Ask if I can come along too. I love her apple pie!

{J} Me too. She makes the best burgers! 

We all chuckle, Veronica's phone dings again.

{V} She said the more the merrier! Let's go.

We all run out of the bar, like little kids on Christmas. The start of a new journey. And more problems.

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