Part 17

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After I hear Sweet Pea and Fangs leave, I walk back into the living room. I flop down on the couch and take my hair out of my pony tail, so I can run my fingers through my hair. Jughead walks over and sit beside me.

{B} You're right, they will always see me as a Ghoulie. Maybe we should just say fuck it, and I'll move to New York or somewhere else far.

He looks at me with a worried face.

{J} Betty you don't need to leave. I'm not giving up on the plan...Maybe we just need a different approach.

He stands up, and runs into the bedroom. He comes out five minutes later, fully dressed.

{J} Lets go, I have an idea.

I nod and we hop in the car and drive off. We stop in front of my house first. I run inside and get dressed. When I come out I hop in the car and he speeds off. About 10 minutes later we pull into a parking lot and stop. I look up, were parked out in front of a bar. I read the giant sign. The giant letters read: White Wyrm. Just before I get out the car I stop and look at the sign once more. About 3 feet to the right of the words I see a giant Snake in the shape of the of the letter "S." I anxiously look over at Jughead.

{B} Juggie! What are we doing here. Are you trying to get me killed?!

He laughs and jumps out the car and walks around to the passengers side. He grabs my hand and pulls me out the car.

{J} Trust me.

He holds my hand as we walk into the loud bar. I see many people give me dirty looks as if they're about to kill me. Jughead pulls me over to the big stages, he looks at me.

{J} Stay here.

I nod. And he walks into a dark hallway and disappears from view. I waited for about 5 minutes and started get a little anxious, I was about to go walk down the hallways and find him. But before I could a man pulls me backwards and forcefully holds my arms behind my back. I try to fight and pull myself away but he was too strong.

{Guy} Are you lost little girl?

{B} Let me go you bastard!

He turns me around and we get a clear view of each others faces.

{Guy} Oh I know who you are. Your the Ghoulie Queen. We've heard so much about you...Man, boss is going to be super happy when he figures out a little Ghoulie has been trying to sneak around here.

He continues to hold my arms and try to fight back, but remain unsuccessful. He pushes me through the crowd of people, this time more people begin to realize who I am. And eventually the whole bar goes silent. I look around and see Jughead appear on the stage. I start shouting his name, until he finally sees me. He grabs a microphone.

{J} Tall Boy, bring her to me.

Everyone begins to chant random stuff. The man who's been hold me brings me up to the stage and throws me down. Jughead gives him a dirty look and then helps me up. The whole bar goes silent.

{TB} I found her trying to go back stage, I didn't know the Ghoulies were dumb enough to send their queen as a spy.

Jughead rolls his eyes. He looks back at the crowd of people who are now all looking at him.

{J} Some of you may be wondering, what's this Ghoulie queen is doing here. Well, shes neither a spy, or a Ghoulie.

The crowd starts mumbling things, but go quiet when Jughead starts to talk again.

{J} She's my girlfriend. AND before you all start to get mad and try to overrule me. Hear me out. She was kicked out from the Ghoulies because they found out about our relationship. In a way, we're asking for your blessing...if she helps us take down the Ghoulies, we're hoping you can respect and let us be together...

We here some more mumbles. And then we see Fangs pop up through the crowd.

{F} How do we know she's not going to turn on us. What if she really is a spy.

I sigh, I snatch the microphone from Jughead. I look out into the crowd.

{B} I promise I'm not a spy, I'm done with the Ghoulies and I want them all dead just as much as all of you. What will it take for me to prove to you that I am being 100% honest?

{F} A deal, your word that you'll help us get rid of the Ghoulies. And you can even be with Jughead. BUT the minute any of us, suspect anything of you. You are to be killed where you stand.

I look at Jughead, he starts to say something. I can tell he's going to deny, but I don't let him say anything.

{B} So be it. You have my word.

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